Now rebranded as the Very Office for Police Conduct. The personal opinions of the author throughout.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
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A Crook in this case Damien Walsh |
Well no sign of Damien's court action yet, so just another sign that he is a cretinous bully, who should never have been allowed to be in charge of anything.
Is it perhaps some form of mental illness or personality disorder. My talks with him would lead me to believe that it is perfectly possible in fact quite likely that Walsh is in some way impaired. I doubt however that Merseyside Police is sufficiently alert to the damage someone like Walsh can do if left untreated.
Friday, July 22, 2011
It's 1981 and Cuntstable Beatty is having a moan.
The 6th form Disco Christmas disco at Ormonde Drive was going well. One of the years uber geeks had spent the afternoon setting up the disco gear and the retired to stand against the wall all evening. As the festivities come to end the lights go up and the uber geek returns to his beloved hardware and sees to all the delicate bits and then thinks, "My work here is done and I'm off" and makes for the exit. On the way out a small little voice comes from way below his left elbow and say's, "If everyone did the work we could all go home", the geek looks down and notices something which isn't a teacher, so he enquires "and just who the fuck are you", of what turns out to be Cunstable Beatty, spouse of the biology teacher.
Early the next week the geek is informed that the teachers will be borrowing the disco gear for their own Christmas bash and the Mrs Beatty's brother in law will be DJing. However after Christmas not all of the equipment has been returned one of the hand crafted light systems is missing, but Beatty swears it was brought back? Then all sort of rumours about the geek start spreading.
Roll forward to 2005 and the geek and Beatty's paths cross again and Beatty's inability with the truth and insecurity rears it's ugly head.
The 6th form Disco Christmas disco at Ormonde Drive was going well. One of the years uber geeks had spent the afternoon setting up the disco gear and the retired to stand against the wall all evening. As the festivities come to end the lights go up and the uber geek returns to his beloved hardware and sees to all the delicate bits and then thinks, "My work here is done and I'm off" and makes for the exit. On the way out a small little voice comes from way below his left elbow and say's, "If everyone did the work we could all go home", the geek looks down and notices something which isn't a teacher, so he enquires "and just who the fuck are you", of what turns out to be Cunstable Beatty, spouse of the biology teacher.
Early the next week the geek is informed that the teachers will be borrowing the disco gear for their own Christmas bash and the Mrs Beatty's brother in law will be DJing. However after Christmas not all of the equipment has been returned one of the hand crafted light systems is missing, but Beatty swears it was brought back? Then all sort of rumours about the geek start spreading.
Roll forward to 2005 and the geek and Beatty's paths cross again and Beatty's inability with the truth and insecurity rears it's ugly head.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
qui cum canibus concumbunt cum pulicibus surgent.
Though some times it's is difficult to know who the dogs are. Most of us would look down our noses at members of the gutter press but it looks like Paul Stephenson, the now former commissioner of police of the metropolis wasn't quite so careful. Strange that it comes just hours after Rebekha Brooks gets arrested. You have got to wonder what she said?
In the late 90's he was assistant chief constable of Merseyside police, so in all probability a close mate of Damien Walsh
Though some times it's is difficult to know who the dogs are. Most of us would look down our noses at members of the gutter press but it looks like Paul Stephenson, the now former commissioner of police of the metropolis wasn't quite so careful. Strange that it comes just hours after Rebekha Brooks gets arrested. You have got to wonder what she said?
In the late 90's he was assistant chief constable of Merseyside police, so in all probability a close mate of Damien Walsh
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Workington! Delphi of the North?
An interesting search string just turned up on the Blog it was referred using the search below.
Here's hoping.
14:22, 16 jul
14:22, 16 jul Workington
ref: google:
damien walsh retires merseyside police
An interesting search string just turned up on the Blog it was referred using the search below.
Here's hoping.
ref: google:
Saturday, July 09, 2011
Court staff Caught.
In legal terms privileged communications are those which the Police have no right to intercept such as this between a client and a solicitor. However the police at least in Merseyside have several methods of intercepting. One source of privileged information that the Police use is conversations held between prisoners and solicitors in the cells of Liverpool Magistrates Court that the security guards deliberately attempt to overhear. This information is fed straight to the Merseyside Police intelligence unit. This is in all likelihood supplemented by staff upstairs, who add details of communications between clients and the courts as well as providing information such as the time the individuals are due to appear.
Mind you the staff upstairs are not much better and will quite happily pass out information they get about people in the neighbourhood to their friends and of course they'll be quite happy to pass rumours back to the court, as well as bringing in recordings they have acquired etc.
In legal terms privileged communications are those which the Police have no right to intercept such as this between a client and a solicitor. However the police at least in Merseyside have several methods of intercepting. One source of privileged information that the Police use is conversations held between prisoners and solicitors in the cells of Liverpool Magistrates Court that the security guards deliberately attempt to overhear. This information is fed straight to the Merseyside Police intelligence unit. This is in all likelihood supplemented by staff upstairs, who add details of communications between clients and the courts as well as providing information such as the time the individuals are due to appear.
Mind you the staff upstairs are not much better and will quite happily pass out information they get about people in the neighbourhood to their friends and of course they'll be quite happy to pass rumours back to the court, as well as bringing in recordings they have acquired etc.
Monday, July 04, 2011
Setting the PACE
I'd read these as saying that in a large number of cases a phone call requesting someone come in for an interview would be what PACE required.
If they are prepared to issue police bail to an individual they should be prepared to try this first. Then release them with a suitable explanation of what would constitute attempts to pervert the course of justice. If charges are to be brought then they can be sent in the post. It would be a lot cheaper. Then what they do now. Normally the police would rather bully but given the strict financial times.
It would seem that even when they want evidence. Going around to the persons house explaining the situation and asking if they can take certain items and have the person come to the station later would be the way to go about it. If the person refuses then they can be arrested then and there.
1.3 The right to privacy and respect for personal property are key principles of the
Human Rights Act 1998. Powers of entry, search and seizure should be fully and
clearly justified before use because they may significantly interfere with the occupier’s
privacy. Officers should consider if the necessary objectives can be met by less
intrusive means
1.2 The right to liberty is a key principle of the Human Rights Act 1998. The exercise of
the power of arrest represents an obvious and significant interference with that right.
1.3 The use of the power must be fully justified and officers exercising the power should
consider if the necessary objectives can be met by other, less intrusive means. Arrest
must never be used simply because it can be used. Absence of justification for
exercising the powers of arrest may lead to challenges should the case proceed to
court. When the power of arrest is exercised
Thursday, June 23, 2011
The Facebook of the Dead
I noticed that the woman mentioned in this story on the Beeb was sitting opposite me in Liverpool Library, so I commented on this in my Facebook status. A few minutes later she looked panicked, looked at me and got up and left. So is it LCC monitoring my PC use or is it Persey Mig watching my Facebook account?
Same with Theo Droushiotis one mention here and his face book picture changes to Stewie from family guy. Someone's keeping a close tab!
I noticed that the woman mentioned in this story on the Beeb was sitting opposite me in Liverpool Library, so I commented on this in my Facebook status. A few minutes later she looked panicked, looked at me and got up and left. So is it LCC monitoring my PC use or is it Persey Mig watching my Facebook account?
Same with Theo Droushiotis one mention here and his face book picture changes to Stewie from family guy. Someone's keeping a close tab!
Undercover or Slacking.
One of the most ardent readers of this Blog has been with coming from within the IP range of an organisation that ceased existing in 1990. Though today I managed to drag out from the recesses of my mind the concept of a port scan and low and behold it's actually Persey Mig.
inetnum: -
is in fact no need to go via the PNN and all that pesky government monitoring.
One of the most ardent readers of this Blog has been with coming from within the IP range of an organisation that ceased existing in 1990. Though today I managed to drag out from the recesses of my mind the concept of a port scan and low and behold it's actually Persey Mig.
inetnum: -
is in fact no need to go via the PNN and all that pesky government monitoring.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Jones the Brief
Possibly the worst barrister in the world, IMHO. I have decided to name the worst Barrister in my experience and that is Mr Mike Jones of 7 Harrington Street Chambers in Liverpool. Mike should have opted not to defend me as he clearly stated at one point that he believed one of the allegations that I denied. In the end he suggested I should accept the ASBO as they would get it anyway, but he would water down some of the requests.
In the end he did not manage to gain a single concession, so I withdraw my consent, only to have the DDJ say that he didn't care and had already made his decision.
I'm not sure who he was working for that day but it's wasn't me, perhaps it was Brabner Chaffee and Streets.
Possibly the worst barrister in the world, IMHO. I have decided to name the worst Barrister in my experience and that is Mr Mike Jones of 7 Harrington Street Chambers in Liverpool. Mike should have opted not to defend me as he clearly stated at one point that he believed one of the allegations that I denied. In the end he suggested I should accept the ASBO as they would get it anyway, but he would water down some of the requests.
In the end he did not manage to gain a single concession, so I withdraw my consent, only to have the DDJ say that he didn't care and had already made his decision.
I'm not sure who he was working for that day but it's wasn't me, perhaps it was Brabner Chaffee and Streets.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Damien Objects to Truth
Mr Xxxxxx,
I mentioned when I last spoke to you that you should refrain from making
insulting, spurious and malicious comments about me on e mails, in letters
and on your various 'web sites'.
I do not respond to people who accuse me of criminal acts, call me a crook
or as you published on your fake IPCC web site, 'the most corrupt officer
in Merseyside Police'.
You have to accept that your behaviour cannot continue and I would like you
to consider your future actions, otherwise I may have to take the matter
Please do not make contact with me again.
Damien Walsh,
Liverpool North Professional Standards,
Merseyside Police,
St Anne Street Police Station,
St Anne Street,
L3 3HJ.
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.
If you have received this email in error please notify the sender as soon
as possible.
This footnote confirms that all reasonable steps have been taken to
ensure that this email message has been swept for the presence of
computer viruses.
The views expressed in this communication may not necessarily be the
views of Merseyside Police.
All communications, including telephone calls and electronic messages to
and from Merseyside Police may be subject to monitoring and recording.
and my response.
Mr Xxxxxx,
I mentioned when I last spoke to you that you should refrain from making
insulting, spurious and malicious comments about me on e mails, in letters
and on your various 'web sites'.
I do not respond to people who accuse me of criminal acts, call me a crook
or as you published on your fake IPCC web site, 'the most corrupt officer
in Merseyside Police'.
You have to accept that your behaviour cannot continue and I would like you
to consider your future actions, otherwise I may have to take the matter
Please do not make contact with me again.
Damien Walsh,
Liverpool North Professional Standards,
Merseyside Police,
St Anne Street Police Station,
St Anne Street,
L3 3HJ.
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.
If you have received this email in error please notify the sender as soon
as possible.
This footnote confirms that all reasonable steps have been taken to
ensure that this email message has been swept for the presence of
computer viruses.
The views expressed in this communication may not necessarily be the
views of Merseyside Police.
All communications, including telephone calls and electronic messages to
and from Merseyside Police may be subject to monitoring and recording.
and my response.
- TO:
- CC:
See you in court.
I have asked many time not to have anything to do with you, in the past you have had my phone calls redirected to you.
Remember you informed me in my flat "Get you window fixed and move out or I'll take you computer away", that was your threat, whilst on duty and doing you job. You jumped on a bandwagon, why I should pay the price of you joining in harassing me is beyond me. You are a thug, a scally and a coward with zero integrity. In you is manifest everything that has dragged Liverpool into the gutter.
You brought this on you self by your actions and inactions.
See you in court.
I have asked many time not to have anything to do with you, in the past you have had my phone calls redirected to you.
Remember you informed me in my flat "Get you window fixed and move out or I'll take you computer away", that was your threat, whilst on duty and doing you job. You jumped on a bandwagon, why I should pay the price of you joining in harassing me is beyond me. You are a thug, a scally and a coward with zero integrity. In you is manifest everything that has dragged Liverpool into the gutter.
You brought this on you self by your actions and inactions.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
World Wide Walsh
I had the misfortune to get through to Damien Walsh last week only to be regaled by his normal collection of veiled threats and inaccurate information, I'd called him at the recommendation of Merseyside PSD, to track down some complaints of mine, some over 18months old. I did pass the time and date on to Merseyside police PSD and another inspector so they can have a listen if they want. Just in case anyone at Merseyside Police fancies a listen it was Monday 6/6/2011 at 12:46.
Walsh still doesn't understand that Brabners have admitted I didn't send emails to their staff, they have admitted this in a statement to the court, so perhaps Walsh believes they committed perjury then. One has to wonder why he can't cope with the fact that 1990 was either lied to or made a mistake. If perhaps 1990 Damien's love child or perhaps toy boy? or perhaps Damien's got something against me, but as he won't say what it is and no court has agreed with him perhaps he shouldn't be using public funds to support his bigotry.
He also claims this is a "fake web site", and threatens to sue me, apparently I can expect he lawyers to be calling around any time. Except of course they are going to take one look at realise he doesn't have a leg to stand on. Though I bet Walsh will by trying to spend Police Federation money not his own. It goes against the grain for Walsh not to misuse resources for his own personal ends. His entire career in the police force seems to be as a crutch for his ego.
One can only rejoice at the fact that at 57, this Wirral boy, he can't have much time left to go until retirement.
I had the misfortune to get through to Damien Walsh last week only to be regaled by his normal collection of veiled threats and inaccurate information, I'd called him at the recommendation of Merseyside PSD, to track down some complaints of mine, some over 18months old. I did pass the time and date on to Merseyside police PSD and another inspector so they can have a listen if they want. Just in case anyone at Merseyside Police fancies a listen it was Monday 6/6/2011 at 12:46.
Walsh still doesn't understand that Brabners have admitted I didn't send emails to their staff, they have admitted this in a statement to the court, so perhaps Walsh believes they committed perjury then. One has to wonder why he can't cope with the fact that 1990 was either lied to or made a mistake. If perhaps 1990 Damien's love child or perhaps toy boy? or perhaps Damien's got something against me, but as he won't say what it is and no court has agreed with him perhaps he shouldn't be using public funds to support his bigotry.
He also claims this is a "fake web site", and threatens to sue me, apparently I can expect he lawyers to be calling around any time. Except of course they are going to take one look at realise he doesn't have a leg to stand on. Though I bet Walsh will by trying to spend Police Federation money not his own. It goes against the grain for Walsh not to misuse resources for his own personal ends. His entire career in the police force seems to be as a crutch for his ego.
One can only rejoice at the fact that at 57, this Wirral boy, he can't have much time left to go until retirement.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Kojak and Yul Brynner fighting over a comb.
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Theo Droushiotis |
The Merseyside Police statement was produced by Merseyside PSD.civil.litigation unit to defend an action for damages resulting from the raid.
Guess who I have to complain to? The IPCC and guess who they forwarded the complaint through to be investigated? Yes, Merseyside Police. Can't say unfairer than that, can you?
What about the investigation into Mr Theo Droushiotis? The man who heard a complete sentence when there was time for only a few words? What investigation? I wonder who he was doing a favour for?
It is interesting to compare what in LinkedIn at with Merseyside Police's claim that the allegation was made in March.
What makes it worse is the CTB is a Gooner?
It is interesting to compare what in LinkedIn at with Merseyside Police's claim that the allegation was made in March.
What makes it worse is the CTB is a Gooner?
Louise Ellman,
Merseyside Police,
Theo Droushiotis
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Two peas in a fucking fat pod.
Steer well clear of these two shits should they ever come with in 10 metres of each other they undergo gravitational collapse and become as physically dense as they are mentally. With any luck their mate Gerry Dolan will be caught inside the non event horizon and crushed.
Steer well clear of these two shits should they ever come with in 10 metres of each other they undergo gravitational collapse and become as physically dense as they are mentally. With any luck their mate Gerry Dolan will be caught inside the non event horizon and crushed.
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LJMU Security when he's not sciving off to the pub. |
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Denizen of Kirkby |
Monday, May 09, 2011
A Wrong Charlie.
Well according to the Echo one of Persey Migs Finest has finally been given the chop, see here. The name doesn't ring a bell but the face does.
This is Charlie Tennant now a former Sgt in Merseyside Police's Matrix Team a motorised gang of thugs. Some of the user comments on the echo page make some quite interesting reading.
Seems that Charlie is actually a one man crime wave.
Well according to the Echo one of Persey Migs Finest has finally been given the chop, see here. The name doesn't ring a bell but the face does.
This is Charlie Tennant now a former Sgt in Merseyside Police's Matrix Team a motorised gang of thugs. Some of the user comments on the echo page make some quite interesting reading.
Seems that Charlie is actually a one man crime wave.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The Doors.
Subtle has never been Merseyside Polices way but even they should realise that people should show ID before getting themselves let into buildings. So why do they insist on gaining entrance to my building by just saying it's the Police on the intercom to another flat. Have I missed something perhaps there is a special code word that only the Police can say, like a fnord, which when you hear it identifies the person saying it as a cop, or perhaps it is just the people they hang around with an breaking and entering comes naturally to them.
However the last lot where just doing a favour for Barry. Though Barry seems rather had to actually pin down, perhaps he is still a bit green.
Subtle has never been Merseyside Polices way but even they should realise that people should show ID before getting themselves let into buildings. So why do they insist on gaining entrance to my building by just saying it's the Police on the intercom to another flat. Have I missed something perhaps there is a special code word that only the Police can say, like a fnord, which when you hear it identifies the person saying it as a cop, or perhaps it is just the people they hang around with an breaking and entering comes naturally to them.
However the last lot where just doing a favour for Barry. Though Barry seems rather had to actually pin down, perhaps he is still a bit green.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Persey Mig
The official anthem of Merseyside Police is,
The official anthem of Merseyside Police is,
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Brian no Brain.
So Brian Ashton shows his colours last night by violently attacking someone then giving the Police a propaganda rant that would have made Geobbles happy and smile with pride at seeing his lessons learnt and brought to such a refined peak. The automatic reflex that allowed him to engage in ranting claims of mental illness, while pissed, could only have been engendered by repeated use. At one point even his clothing rebelled and pulled his legs from under him, trying to end it's embarrassment and forced servitude. Though even a blow to the head via a flag stone is not capable of silencing the great orator as he rants.
Mind you this is the first time Brian has spoke to me since 2006, he's been studiously avoiding me since then, as have several other people perhaps they should look up the term Shunning to find the historical basis for this unpleasant action, though Brian can fall back on the on the Scally Defence of "Me mate said" to justify all his actions, as it's just a watered down version of the Nuremberg Defence it is quite appropriate for Brian to use.
So tell me Brian where you "Only following Orders" or did the voices echoing around that empty head of your tell you to attack me?
So Brian Ashton shows his colours last night by violently attacking someone then giving the Police a propaganda rant that would have made Geobbles happy and smile with pride at seeing his lessons learnt and brought to such a refined peak. The automatic reflex that allowed him to engage in ranting claims of mental illness, while pissed, could only have been engendered by repeated use. At one point even his clothing rebelled and pulled his legs from under him, trying to end it's embarrassment and forced servitude. Though even a blow to the head via a flag stone is not capable of silencing the great orator as he rants.
Mind you this is the first time Brian has spoke to me since 2006, he's been studiously avoiding me since then, as have several other people perhaps they should look up the term Shunning to find the historical basis for this unpleasant action, though Brian can fall back on the on the Scally Defence of "Me mate said" to justify all his actions, as it's just a watered down version of the Nuremberg Defence it is quite appropriate for Brian to use.
So tell me Brian where you "Only following Orders" or did the voices echoing around that empty head of your tell you to attack me?
Friday, February 04, 2011
2LO Frodsham Calling
Come on Manley put up or shut up.
Come on Manley put up or shut up.
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Thursday, February 03, 2011
Ellman talks Rubbish
"You have made serious allegations about the conduct of my staff which are untrue. You have harassed individual members of staff over a long period of time through emails, Facebook and in the case of my Westminster staff member contacting him on his mobile phone several times, even after being asked to cease doing so. You have also made a false accusation that a staff member has physically attacked you. In addition, on Tuesday this week (1st Feb) you left a threatening message on the office answerphone."
1. The only problem is that my allegations are true, Carney or someone else in your office did Gumby impressions to me over the phone. He has also taken the piss. *
2. I have rarely mailed members of Ellman's staff, as the only address which works is hers.
3. I have never harassed any of her staff via Facebook.
4. I have never accused any member of her staff of physically attacking me.
5. Saying I'm going to visit my MPs office is not a threat.
6. The only contacts I have used are those that these people have published as parts of campaigns.
1. The only problem is that my allegations are true, Carney or someone else in your office did Gumby impressions to me over the phone. He has also taken the piss. *
2. I have rarely mailed members of Ellman's staff, as the only address which works is hers.
3. I have never harassed any of her staff via Facebook.
4. I have never accused any member of her staff of physically attacking me.
5. Saying I'm going to visit my MPs office is not a threat.
6. The only contacts I have used are those that these people have published as parts of campaigns.
7. I have never been asked not to contact your office or your staff members.
So here is a question, does Carney known a drummer called Chris who used to work as a cook in Ye Cracke?
What was the route of information sent to Ellman on its way to Ye Cracke?
So here is a question, does Carney known a drummer called Chris who used to work as a cook in Ye Cracke?
What was the route of information sent to Ellman on its way to Ye Cracke?
* This person may have been her security guard who was abusive when I
attended a prearranged meeting at a surgery. This person also came to my
flat when it was for sale in 2008, with a woman called Emily and who
abused me on Myrtle street about 2015
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Phil Doran Get Gassed a big hit in Liverpool
Fresh today. Every IP logged, but do any of the readers know how to find there own IP?
Fresh today. Every IP logged, but do any of the readers know how to find there own IP?
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Should be gassed
When he is not out "servicing" air cons he can be found in Ye Cracke public house together with his fellow shits Lenny, Julie and Terry Williams, working out how to get rid of the people the do not like from the pub.
Phil Doran of Canning Street in Liverpool drives around in a van design to given people migraines. He claims his main profession is servicing the air con in vehicles but rumour has it that items tend to go missing from people vehicles when Phil Services them. He also uses the van for his own personal harassing of people. He does have a bit of a reputation as a cross between a rat and a thug.
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Terry Williams one of the employees of a subcontractor embezzling from Liverpool City Council by using it's facilities for his own ends. |
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The Rat Mobile parked in Bells Close, Lydiate in summer 2008 as he spends 2 weekends moving his harassment from city centre Liverpool. |
Friday, November 26, 2010
HP Sauce
My Gaydar detected a connections from at 15:09:53, 26 Nov which it turns out is a DSL at HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT DR.PARLIAMENT.UK found from Google using Chrome as a browser with search string "Rob Carney liverpool facebook".
Louise Ellmans office anyone?
My Gaydar detected a connections from at 15:09:53, 26 Nov which it turns out is a DSL at HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT DR.PARLIAMENT.UK found from Google using Chrome as a browser with search string "Rob Carney liverpool facebook".
Louise Ellmans office anyone?
Christopher Lloyd,
Louise Ellman,
Rob Carney
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Mike Keating
Well it appears that Liverpool No Hope University have disposed of one of their least talented members of staff. His emails bounce and his staff page is blank. Though of course being Hope they only partially did it.
Well it appears that Liverpool No Hope University have disposed of one of their least talented members of staff. His emails bounce and his staff page is blank. Though of course being Hope they only partially did it.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Brain "Fascist" Ashton
Brian Ashton – Former Fords radical worker reads from 'One Hundredth of a Second – A Day in the Life of a Car Worker' .
The Question what is his relationship with Alan Dean and the Labour party. The only thing that can be said about Brian is that he is a nasty, manipulative and snide little man or has all the hallmarks and attitude of Miltant, however for some reason he still seems to be in with the Labour party. Is that because they haven't realised what he's like or because Militant is still buried deeply in Liverpool Labour?
Brian Ashton – Former Fords radical worker reads from 'One Hundredth of a Second – A Day in the Life of a Car Worker' .
The Question what is his relationship with Alan Dean and the Labour party. The only thing that can be said about Brian is that he is a nasty, manipulative and snide little man or has all the hallmarks and attitude of Miltant, however for some reason he still seems to be in with the Labour party. Is that because they haven't realised what he's like or because Militant is still buried deeply in Liverpool Labour?
Monday, August 09, 2010
Victoria Meredith - - [03/Aug/2010:13:08:20 +0100]
Knowsley MBC, Computer Centre, Archway Road, Huyton, Knowsley, Merseyside, L36 9YU.
Victoria Meredith
Knowsley Borough Council
Archway Road
Municipal Buildings
Merseyside L36 9UX
England - - [03/Aug/2010:13:08:20 +0100]
inetnum | - |
Knowsley MBC, Computer Centre, Archway Road, Huyton, Knowsley, Merseyside, L36 9YU.
Victoria Meredith
Knowsley Borough Council
Archway Road
Municipal Buildings
Merseyside L36 9UX
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
One's Dead, one's Mad and the other doesn't remember
The dead one is Rose Bailey she seems to have had a heart attack. The heart attack is quite appropriate as her activities helped at least one woman to her grave via a similar means. A lot of people were surprised it was a heart attack as we didn't know she actually possessed a heart.
The mad one is Geoff Howe, someone so thick that he doesn't realise that from an STD code you can work out the town that someone lives in, especially if that town happens to be one the caller has lived in. His only claim to fame is that he is a free mason. His return to Merseyside Police Authority can mean one of two things, either the coming of the apocalypse and Howe is smoothing the way for the four horsemen or his seat is up for election in 2011 so he wants to get in with the Law and order Fascists of Maghull.
Mind you it is a question of who removed his address from Maghull Library, was it Howe or Merseyside Police. Anyway, just to make up for that, here are his details as published on Sefton Council's website.
Home Address:
91 Northway
L31 7BG
Phone: 0151 531 7084
Bus. Email:
That leaves only Ron Gould, who claims he cannot remember why he was so abusive on the telephone or what he meant by "we have been told all about you". Is his sudden forgetfulness due to old age and senility or did he just find out that what he had been told was rubbish and that various people may be somewhat offended by his lack of integrity and use of the scally excuse "me mates said", especially as according to Liverpool Council's web site he is "executive member for health, care and safeguarding". When the only persons whose health or care he is safeguarding is his own. Might he also find, that as a pharmacist his abuse of people he believes to be mentally ill, is professionally unacceptable and he might find himself unable to practice, just like the person he abused, though in his case it would be the truth that prevented him.
The dead one is Rose Bailey she seems to have had a heart attack. The heart attack is quite appropriate as her activities helped at least one woman to her grave via a similar means. A lot of people were surprised it was a heart attack as we didn't know she actually possessed a heart.

Mind you it is a question of who removed his address from Maghull Library, was it Howe or Merseyside Police. Anyway, just to make up for that, here are his details as published on Sefton Council's website.
Home Address:
91 Northway
L31 7BG
Phone: 0151 531 7084
Bus. Email:
That leaves only Ron Gould, who claims he cannot remember why he was so abusive on the telephone or what he meant by "we have been told all about you". Is his sudden forgetfulness due to old age and senility or did he just find out that what he had been told was rubbish and that various people may be somewhat offended by his lack of integrity and use of the scally excuse "me mates said", especially as according to Liverpool Council's web site he is "executive member for health, care and safeguarding". When the only persons whose health or care he is safeguarding is his own. Might he also find, that as a pharmacist his abuse of people he believes to be mentally ill, is professionally unacceptable and he might find himself unable to practice, just like the person he abused, though in his case it would be the truth that prevented him.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
John Smyth
I was supposed to have an interesting meeting with John Smyth of Merseyside Police PSD but when I got there all he wanted to do was not answer questions. I wanted to know why a copper had said that I hated everyone who drinks in the pub I drink. I first wanted the results of an earlier complaint which even after 2 years I had not seen the results of. He told me the complaint was resolved 2 years ago but would say no more. Strange that it was my complaint and I do not get to know the result. Smyth got very aggressive so I left. Now they will not send me a letter detailing what Smyth was going to say.
In pursuit of an answer I wrote to the chief constable and then phoned up but found that Damian A Walsh had had all my calls directed through to him, according to him without the chief constables knowledge.
I was supposed to have an interesting meeting with John Smyth of Merseyside Police PSD but when I got there all he wanted to do was not answer questions. I wanted to know why a copper had said that I hated everyone who drinks in the pub I drink. I first wanted the results of an earlier complaint which even after 2 years I had not seen the results of. He told me the complaint was resolved 2 years ago but would say no more. Strange that it was my complaint and I do not get to know the result. Smyth got very aggressive so I left. Now they will not send me a letter detailing what Smyth was going to say.
In pursuit of an answer I wrote to the chief constable and then phoned up but found that Damian A Walsh had had all my calls directed through to him, according to him without the chief constables knowledge.
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Monday, December 28, 2009
Revenge of the Viccies.
In 2005 I applied to Merseyside Police Authority for the video of Jon Murphy, now Chief Constable of Merseyside, preventing me attending the public AGM of MPA. I intended to use it to prove that a statement from Paul Johnson, the treasurer of the authority was perjurious, as a result I received a letter from Victoria Meredith which claimed that the video did not need to be released under the Data Protection Act. She also claimed that releasing it would not be in the public interest. I managed to get the CCTV of someone else however by then the case had gone through and it was no use. Eventually the Information Commissioner decided that MPA and Meredith was in breach of the DPA by withholding the video. So the question is she just incompetent or did she know that release was required and decided to withhold the video to obstruct the court.
In 2005 I applied to Merseyside Police Authority for the video of Jon Murphy, now Chief Constable of Merseyside, preventing me attending the public AGM of MPA. I intended to use it to prove that a statement from Paul Johnson, the treasurer of the authority was perjurious, as a result I received a letter from Victoria Meredith which claimed that the video did not need to be released under the Data Protection Act. She also claimed that releasing it would not be in the public interest. I managed to get the CCTV of someone else however by then the case had gone through and it was no use. Eventually the Information Commissioner decided that MPA and Meredith was in breach of the DPA by withholding the video. So the question is she just incompetent or did she know that release was required and decided to withhold the video to obstruct the court.
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Rabid Hardware
One day I was on my way to Broudies I was walking down North John street when a police car passed me and turned right down Victoria street. The cop driving nearly shit himself and as I counted to 5 the CCTV camera turned towards me and followed me down to Broudies.
I left Broudies and on the way home I popped into the gardening department of Rabid. As I walked in the manageress of that department was on the phone her face dropped as I walked in and she was heard to say, "he just walked in".
I bought some bulbs and left walking up towards a local pub, as I walked down Pilgrim street I saw Terry Williams with a look like thunder giving me a rather hard look as he walked in the opposite direction.
Recently it has been confirmed that Terry Williams has access to the CCTV of City Safe, I wonder what the connect between the events is? Perhaps the security company that Williams works for.
The next week when I was due to go to the lawyers Zardia, bar maid and friend of Terry Williams, suddenly decided she had to go and pay her rent at the council and escorted me all the way to the door.
All these set off by Emma Jensen and her tiny brain and all set up by the Green Bentley Driving fuck wit.
One day I was on my way to Broudies I was walking down North John street when a police car passed me and turned right down Victoria street. The cop driving nearly shit himself and as I counted to 5 the CCTV camera turned towards me and followed me down to Broudies.
I left Broudies and on the way home I popped into the gardening department of Rabid. As I walked in the manageress of that department was on the phone her face dropped as I walked in and she was heard to say, "he just walked in".
I bought some bulbs and left walking up towards a local pub, as I walked down Pilgrim street I saw Terry Williams with a look like thunder giving me a rather hard look as he walked in the opposite direction.
Recently it has been confirmed that Terry Williams has access to the CCTV of City Safe, I wonder what the connect between the events is? Perhaps the security company that Williams works for.
The next week when I was due to go to the lawyers Zardia, bar maid and friend of Terry Williams, suddenly decided she had to go and pay her rent at the council and escorted me all the way to the door.
All these set off by Emma Jensen and her tiny brain and all set up by the Green Bentley Driving fuck wit.
Emma Jensen,
Green Bentley,
Terry Williams
A Bolt by a Blue
One day many years ago I was building a machine of ingenious conception and a mind boggling mechanism. In order to do this I had to hacksaw down about 30 bolts of high tensile steel. Needless to say I gave up before I'd cut one and went out and bought the biggest set of bolt cutters I could lay my hands on. Other than the odd ricochet this proved ideal.
Many years latter I was sitting in a pub when some people I know came along and started talking about removing the security screens from their windows in order to let the building maintenance go ahead Ray Jones offered to lend them a drill and then he remembered that I owned a set of bolt cutters. Which they duly asked to borrow. I imagine of Terry Williams contacts at Rapid Hardware told him I bought them, as they kept careful track of what I bought.
Sometime latter the people who had borrowed the bolt cutters asked if I could set up their PC for them, I agreed. Before I came around however gave them a call just to check they still wanted the job doing and they did. So I trotted around with my trusty Dictaphone what a surprise they did not want to touch the machine themselves and asked me to put it a way in a cupboard when I left, but I remembered to leave set up for "Chris Lee and Lisa by ***********" all over the hard disk and the odd dummy account.
Some time latter I observed a heavily laden Brian Mitten walk down the street from the couples with a system unit sized box.
One day many years ago I was building a machine of ingenious conception and a mind boggling mechanism. In order to do this I had to hacksaw down about 30 bolts of high tensile steel. Needless to say I gave up before I'd cut one and went out and bought the biggest set of bolt cutters I could lay my hands on. Other than the odd ricochet this proved ideal.
Many years latter I was sitting in a pub when some people I know came along and started talking about removing the security screens from their windows in order to let the building maintenance go ahead Ray Jones offered to lend them a drill and then he remembered that I owned a set of bolt cutters. Which they duly asked to borrow. I imagine of Terry Williams contacts at Rapid Hardware told him I bought them, as they kept careful track of what I bought.
Sometime latter the people who had borrowed the bolt cutters asked if I could set up their PC for them, I agreed. Before I came around however gave them a call just to check they still wanted the job doing and they did. So I trotted around with my trusty Dictaphone what a surprise they did not want to touch the machine themselves and asked me to put it a way in a cupboard when I left, but I remembered to leave set up for "Chris Lee and Lisa by ***********" all over the hard disk and the odd dummy account.
Some time latter I observed a heavily laden Brian Mitten walk down the street from the couples with a system unit sized box.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Saxondale the follow up album
One day an innocent decided that he need a new power supply for his PC. So he set of down the hill to Brunswick dock to buy one.
On the way back, at the end of Windsor street was a collection of Merseyside vilest gang aka Merseyside Police, this particular platoon was headed up by pint size trooper Owen. They seemed most interested in the innocent and kept looking at the CCTV camera at the bottom of Parliament Street. Eventually they drove off.
Later in a local watering hole the innocent was enjoying a pint after fitting the PSU. Across from him sat Saxondale. Then in walked the bitch Julie and without noticing him, she said to Saxondale "We got him", Saxondale duly pointed to the innocent and when Julie turned around to see him, her face did drop and she scurried of to see Lenny, the person she is currently parasitizing, a man who is a school caretaker on Windsor street, and we all know that school caretaker are very dodgy in a sexual manner. What are the similarities with the Back Canning Street incident?
When several years latter the innocent made reference to this incident to Carla she nearly shat herself and ran off to tell Julie, who told Lenny and with his evil little mate Phil Doran they started threatening to cut the innocents throat.
Now you will note from the picture of Carla, that she is walking, though of course she is claiming Disability Living allowance, claiming she has rheumatoid arthritis. Mind you she seems to manage to perform with a band and always has enough money for drinks and lots of spliffs. Perhaps she is disabled but perhaps it is more care in the community than anything else.
That much stupidity, madness viciousness in one place is a dangerous brew, should really get an ASBO against the lot preventing them from associating together, that should include Gerry Dolan.
One day I walked into a local Pub and there was Gerry Dolan at the bar, so we started to chat, if I remember rightly he was doing his no ones has every explained that to me and his over sincere act and getting me to regurgitate o'level physics about electricity. About half way through my explanation someone came and stood behind me and lent over the bar but no Gerry didn't notice them, at the end of my little speech. I stood up and Gerry caught a view of the man, and his face went like Carla's and he nearly shat himself. I made my excuses and left, somewhat bemused. Sometime latter I discovered that the man was a cop and not just a plod, so why did Jerry shit himself? What had he done or who had he tried to set up?
Let us not forget Carla's familiar scots Dave.
One day an innocent decided that he need a new power supply for his PC. So he set of down the hill to Brunswick dock to buy one.
On the way back, at the end of Windsor street was a collection of Merseyside vilest gang aka Merseyside Police, this particular platoon was headed up by pint size trooper Owen. They seemed most interested in the innocent and kept looking at the CCTV camera at the bottom of Parliament Street. Eventually they drove off.
Later in a local watering hole the innocent was enjoying a pint after fitting the PSU. Across from him sat Saxondale. Then in walked the bitch Julie and without noticing him, she said to Saxondale "We got him", Saxondale duly pointed to the innocent and when Julie turned around to see him, her face did drop and she scurried of to see Lenny, the person she is currently parasitizing, a man who is a school caretaker on Windsor street, and we all know that school caretaker are very dodgy in a sexual manner. What are the similarities with the Back Canning Street incident?
When several years latter the innocent made reference to this incident to Carla she nearly shat herself and ran off to tell Julie, who told Lenny and with his evil little mate Phil Doran they started threatening to cut the innocents throat.

Now you will note from the picture of Carla, that she is walking, though of course she is claiming Disability Living allowance, claiming she has rheumatoid arthritis. Mind you she seems to manage to perform with a band and always has enough money for drinks and lots of spliffs. Perhaps she is disabled but perhaps it is more care in the community than anything else.
That much stupidity, madness viciousness in one place is a dangerous brew, should really get an ASBO against the lot preventing them from associating together, that should include Gerry Dolan.
One day I walked into a local Pub and there was Gerry Dolan at the bar, so we started to chat, if I remember rightly he was doing his no ones has every explained that to me and his over sincere act and getting me to regurgitate o'level physics about electricity. About half way through my explanation someone came and stood behind me and lent over the bar but no Gerry didn't notice them, at the end of my little speech. I stood up and Gerry caught a view of the man, and his face went like Carla's and he nearly shat himself. I made my excuses and left, somewhat bemused. Sometime latter I discovered that the man was a cop and not just a plod, so why did Jerry shit himself? What had he done or who had he tried to set up?
Let us not forget Carla's familiar scots Dave.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
The God, the Bebb and the Ugly truth
It appears that David Bebb is no longer the CEO of LHT or the Vicinity group as we are supposed to call it. That is at least some relief as Bebb will just be committing freelance perjury in future.
What perjury you may well ask, well in a statement to get an ASBO David Bebb stated in 2005 that he came into a room and saw a man he described as "well muscled" and "in his late 40s". However the man in question was not at all well muscled and was in fact only 42. Why you ask would Bebb make such claims. Well for years that man in question had been dogged by allegations that in order to chat up younger woman he lied about his age. It was also said he was a retired body building champion. So Bebb rather than saying what he saw, if he was even there said what he was expected by Sgt Paul Harrison to say.
In many ways one thing that LHT's actions do is show the shallowness of Bishop James Jones the honorary chairman of LHT, you'd think that as a last resort you would hope that the Bishop, or at least his representative the archdeacon Ricky Panter would follow Christian doctrine and not cast the first stone but Archdeacon Ricky just grabbed the nearest stone and hurled it as quick as possible.
Now for the Ugly this is what LHT properties look like, that is something like there morals. Click Here.
This is considerably better than the state of the flat I bought of LHT. The roof leaked and mushrooms grew out of the window frame after only 6 months and the rot just got worse and worse. Eventually part of the ceiling collapsed.
This should have been covered by snagging but try as I might I could not get Andy Williams of LHT to fix it. In my capacity of secretary I got everyone else who had rotten windows fixed but LHT wouldn't touch mine until I signed some documents waving all future rights.
Andy Williams is a world champion prevaricator and vacillator, he is hoping they become Olympic
events. He kept pressing for a meeting and I kept saying phone calls and letters would be all he's get as I wanted the evidence in writing and he often forgot what we had agreed. Eventually he asked why I wouldn't meet him and I replied because "I'm worried I'd hit you", he claimed this was a threat, which of course it isn't. He is no longer at LHT probably being incompetent elsewhere in the social housing sector.
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David Bebb |
It appears that David Bebb is no longer the CEO of LHT or the Vicinity group as we are supposed to call it. That is at least some relief as Bebb will just be committing freelance perjury in future.
What perjury you may well ask, well in a statement to get an ASBO David Bebb stated in 2005 that he came into a room and saw a man he described as "well muscled" and "in his late 40s". However the man in question was not at all well muscled and was in fact only 42. Why you ask would Bebb make such claims. Well for years that man in question had been dogged by allegations that in order to chat up younger woman he lied about his age. It was also said he was a retired body building champion. So Bebb rather than saying what he saw, if he was even there said what he was expected by Sgt Paul Harrison to say.
In many ways one thing that LHT's actions do is show the shallowness of Bishop James Jones the honorary chairman of LHT, you'd think that as a last resort you would hope that the Bishop, or at least his representative the archdeacon Ricky Panter would follow Christian doctrine and not cast the first stone but Archdeacon Ricky just grabbed the nearest stone and hurled it as quick as possible.
Now for the Ugly this is what LHT properties look like, that is something like there morals. Click Here.
This is considerably better than the state of the flat I bought of LHT. The roof leaked and mushrooms grew out of the window frame after only 6 months and the rot just got worse and worse. Eventually part of the ceiling collapsed.
This should have been covered by snagging but try as I might I could not get Andy Williams of LHT to fix it. In my capacity of secretary I got everyone else who had rotten windows fixed but LHT wouldn't touch mine until I signed some documents waving all future rights.
Andy Williams is a world champion prevaricator and vacillator, he is hoping they become Olympic
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Andy Williams |
Andy Williams,
Bishop of Liverpool,
David Bebb,
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