
Showing posts with label Liverpool Magistrates Court. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liverpool Magistrates Court. Show all posts

Monday, August 08, 2011

The biggest little crook in town
It looks like Liverpool Magistrates Courts resident crooks are still embezzling funds by attempting to pervert the course of justice, while masquerading as court staff. The woman on the right and her taller hatchet faced mate where seen in their coven at the Mags recently.

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Court staff Caught.
In legal terms privileged communications are those which the Police have no right to intercept such as this between a client and a solicitor. However the police at least in Merseyside have several methods of intercepting. One source of privileged information that the Police use is conversations held between prisoners and solicitors in the cells of Liverpool Magistrates Court that the security guards deliberately attempt to overhear. This information is fed straight to the Merseyside Police intelligence unit. This is in all likelihood supplemented by staff upstairs, who add details of communications between clients and the courts as well as providing information such as the time the individuals are due to appear.
Mind you the staff upstairs are not much better and will quite happily pass out information they get about people in the neighbourhood to their friends and of course they'll be quite happy to pass rumours back to the court, as well as bringing in recordings they have acquired etc.