
Showing posts with label IPCC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IPCC. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Kojak and Yul Brynner fighting over a comb.

Theo Droushiotis

Two interesting and contradictory statements have come into my possession, one from the IPCC, which gives the date of a malicious allegation by a member of their staff, Theo Droushiotis, about a complainant and  the other from Merseyside Police giving a date some 6 weeks later for the same event? Why the difference? Well, Merseyside Police used the second date as a pretext to justify a battering ram raid to harass the complainant to the IPCC, for complaining to the IPCC. Of course, when the raid produced nothing, Merseyside PSD did a white wash and lied to Louise Ellman to cover up. The white washing was done by John Smyth of Merseyside PSD.
The Merseyside Police statement was produced by Merseyside PSD.civil.litigation unit to defend an action for damages resulting from the raid.
Guess who I have to complain to? The IPCC and guess who they forwarded the complaint through to be investigated? Yes, Merseyside Police. Can't say unfairer than that, can you?
What about the investigation into Mr Theo Droushiotis? The man who heard a complete sentence when there was time for only a few words? What investigation? I wonder who he was doing a favour for?
It is interesting to compare what in LinkedIn at http://www.linkedin.com/in/theodroushiotis with Merseyside Police's claim that the allegation was made in March.

What makes it worse is the CTB is a Gooner?