
Showing posts with label MPA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MPA. Show all posts

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Geoff Goes Underground
It seems once Geoff Howe found out his address was on public display down at the Library he got all nervous. What sort of a public servant is Geoff? or is he in fact an old style paternalistic Tory dressed up as a Lib Dem? He doesn't seem to be very keen to have any connection with the public so he must just know what is good for them. Anyway in aid of democracy here it is or you can look here.
A full spectrum of fascism
Back in the day when I was student the derogatory description of the Trots in the student Union was red fascists to differentiate them from the fascists wearing black. Though what with the way Liverpool City Council is run and the emergence of the Röhm like Geoff Howe in Sefton, it looks like the Gold have arrived.

Geoff Howe

Geoff Howe of Sefton Council and Merseyside Police Authority thinks it threatening if anyone knows his address, why then does he have it published on the list of councillors names and addresses in Maghull Library could it be he is to thick to remember this or is it that he is duplicitous, two faced, manipulative, dishonest and conniving.
It's strange that he is a Liberal Democrat as he doesn't seem very Liberal at all. Rather then being on MPA to control the police he's on there to help them do the job that they want to do rather than make sure they do the job the law gives them or the population want them to do, so not much of a democrat either.

Paul Johnson with extra cheese

The picture on the right is Paul Johnson chief executive of Merseyside Police Authority, among Johnsons unofficial jobs is chief with holder of evidence. When requested to withhold DPA documents such as videos required in a civil case, Johnson will oblige or perhaps it is because that video would show that his own statement on the matter covered was grossly in accurate.
Just looking at that picture tells you 2 things firstly that Johnson is hardly self aware anyone who was would realise that the picture makes him look a grade a dick and B that MPA got one of Merseyside Polices photographers, who is more use to photographing corpses to take the picture.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

One's Dead, one's Mad and the other doesn't remember
 The dead one is Rose Bailey she seems to have had a heart attack. The heart attack is quite appropriate as her activities helped at least one woman to her grave via a similar means. A lot of people were surprised it was a heart attack as we didn't know she actually possessed a heart.

The mad one is Geoff Howe, someone so thick that he doesn't realise that from an STD code you can work out the town that someone lives in, especially if that town happens to be one the caller has lived in. His only claim to fame is that he is a free mason. His return to Merseyside Police Authority can mean one of two things, either the coming of the apocalypse and Howe is smoothing the way for the four horsemen or his seat is up for election in 2011 so he wants to get in with the Law and order Fascists of Maghull.
Mind you it is a question of who removed his address from Maghull Library, was it Howe or Merseyside Police. Anyway, just to make up for that, here are his details as published on Sefton Council's website.

Home Address: 
91 Northway
L31 7BG
Phone:  0151 531 7084
Bus. Email:  geoff.howe@sefton.gov.uk

That leaves only Ron Gould, who claims he cannot remember why he was so abusive on the telephone or what he meant by "we have been told all about you". Is his sudden forgetfulness due to old age and senility or did he just find out that what he had been told was rubbish and that various people may be somewhat offended by his lack of integrity and use of the scally excuse "me mates said", especially as according to Liverpool Council's web site he is "executive member for health, care and safeguarding". When the only persons whose health or care he is safeguarding is his own. Might he also find, that as a pharmacist his abuse of people he believes to be mentally ill, is professionally unacceptable and he might find himself unable to practice, just like the person he abused, though in his case it would be the truth that prevented him.