
Monday, October 26, 2009

Saxondale the follow up album
One day an innocent decided that he need a new power supply for his PC. So he set of down the hill to Brunswick dock to buy one.
On the way back, at the end of Windsor street was a collection of Merseyside vilest gang aka Merseyside Police, this particular platoon was headed up by pint size trooper Owen. They seemed most interested in the innocent and kept looking at the CCTV camera at the bottom of Parliament Street. Eventually they drove off.
Later in a local watering hole the innocent was enjoying a pint after fitting the PSU. Across from him sat Saxondale. Then in walked the bitch Julie and without noticing him, she said to Saxondale "We got him", Saxondale duly pointed to the innocent and when Julie turned around to see him, her face did drop and she scurried of to see Lenny, the person she is currently parasitizing, a man who is a school caretaker on Windsor street, and we all know that school caretaker are very dodgy in a sexual manner. What are the similarities with the Back Canning Street incident?
When several years latter the innocent made reference to this incident to Carla she nearly shat herself and ran off to tell Julie, who told Lenny and with his evil little mate Phil Doran they started threatening to cut the innocents throat.
Now you will note from the picture of Carla, that she is walking, though of course she is claiming Disability Living allowance, claiming she has rheumatoid arthritis. Mind you she seems to manage to perform with a band and always has enough money for drinks and lots of spliffs. Perhaps she is disabled but perhaps it is more care in the community than anything else.
That much stupidity, madness viciousness in one place is a dangerous brew, should really get an ASBO against the lot preventing them from associating together, that should include Gerry Dolan.
One day I walked into a local Pub and there was Gerry Dolan at the bar, so we started to chat, if I remember rightly he was doing his no ones has every explained that to me and his over sincere act and getting me to regurgitate o'level physics about electricity. About half way through my explanation someone came and stood behind me and lent over the bar but no Gerry didn't notice them, at the end of my little speech. I stood up and Gerry caught a view of the man, and his face went like Carla's and he nearly shat himself. I made my excuses and left, somewhat bemused. Sometime latter I discovered that the man was a cop and not just a plod, so why did Jerry shit himself? What had he done or who had he tried to set up?
Let us not forget Carla's familiar scots Dave.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The God, the Bebb and the Ugly truth

David Bebb

It appears that David Bebb is no longer the CEO of LHT or the Vicinity group as we are supposed to call it. That is at least some relief as Bebb will just be committing freelance perjury in future.
What perjury you may well ask, well in a statement to get an ASBO David Bebb stated in 2005 that he came into a room and saw a man he described as "well muscled" and "in his late 40s". However the man in question was not at all well muscled and was in fact only 42. Why you ask would Bebb make such claims. Well for years that man in question had been dogged by allegations that in order to chat up younger woman he lied about his age. It was also said he was a retired body building champion. So Bebb rather than saying what he saw, if he was even there said what he was expected by Sgt Paul Harrison to say.
In many ways one thing that LHT's actions do is show the shallowness of Bishop James Jones the honorary chairman of LHT, you'd think that as a last resort you would hope that the Bishop, or at least his representative the archdeacon Ricky Panter would follow Christian doctrine and not cast the first stone but Archdeacon Ricky just grabbed the nearest stone and hurled it as quick as possible.
Now for the Ugly this is what LHT properties look like, that is something like there morals. Click Here.
This is considerably better than the state of the flat I bought of LHT. The roof leaked and mushrooms grew out of the window frame after only 6 months and the rot just got worse and worse. Eventually part of the ceiling collapsed.
This should have been covered by snagging but try as I might I could not get Andy Williams of LHT to fix it. In my capacity of secretary I got everyone else who had rotten windows fixed but LHT wouldn't touch mine until I signed some documents waving all future rights.
Andy Williams is a world champion prevaricator and vacillator, he is hoping they become Olympic
Andy Williams
events. He kept pressing for a meeting and I kept saying phone calls and letters would be all he's get as I wanted the evidence in writing and he often forgot what we had agreed. Eventually he asked why I wouldn't meet him and I replied because "I'm worried I'd hit you", he claimed this was a threat, which of course it isn't. He is no longer at LHT probably being incompetent elsewhere in the social housing sector.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Greggs the Wankers
A big blog welcome to train enthusiast solicitor Malcolm Gregg. Malcs hobbies include getting the Liverpool Moorfields to Ormskirk train and staring at people. It is probably something he picked up at the Magistrates court from a legal advisor or perhaps directly from the police. Why would Malc want to antagonise defendants he saw in courts? Does he perhaps itch to be called to work for the CPS?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Suing for PACE

A nice little section of PACE states that the Police may only hold "seized objects as long as is necessary", what this means as as soon as they decide not to prosecute or that the objects are not evidence or the CPS drops the case then it is their responsibility to return the objects to you, as soon as is possible. If they wait for you to request them then they are breaking PACE.
Recently I applied via a Part 8 claim for an injunction requiring Merseyside Police to return equipment ceased. The Police in their statement admitted that they didn't need it any more but decided to oppose the action and instead suggested that 3 months was a reasonable time to wait for the equipment. The judge disagreed.
For opposing this action Weightmans wanted cost of £3200 against me. Needless to say they didn't get it but it should have been obvious to anyone they would lose. That £3200 included £300 for a barrister and 6.5 hours of Victoria Crossley's time. In the end Caroline Ashcroft turned up in court and twigged when the Judge commented "Mr Bradley does seem to have the law on his side".
The case was further hampered by the fact that Hertfordshire Police who where subject to the same request on the same day revealed that they had attempted to return the equipment, of their own volition, but the Post office had lost it, and offered to pursue the Post Office on my behalf for the money.
Ms Ashcroft seemed to think that as Merseyside Police where a public body then they where somehow excused, but of course Hertfordshire Police is also a public body. She also seemed unaware that Section 7.12(iii) required the Police to keep track of the equipment, so they can secure it if a request for it back is put through the courts. This means that, to paraphrase Ms Victoria Crossley, "the officer who knows where it is, is off ill" is simply and indication of a breach of PACE.
Merseyside Police shouldn't pay the bill they where badly advised by their solicitors. How much money do Weightmans take every year from the Police?
Solicitors from Hell has an article on them here.
The bits of PACE.
Section 7.3 Officers must be aware of the provisions in the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001, section 59, allowing for applications to a judicial authority for the return of property seized and the subsequent duty to secure in section 60, see paragraph 7.12(iii).
Section 7.12 (iii) "setting out the effect of sections 59 to 61 covering the grounds for a person with a relevant interest in seized property to apply to a judicial authority for its return and the duty of officers to secure property in certain circumstances when an application is made."
Section 7.14 "Subject to paragraph 7.15, anything seized in accordance with the above provisions may be retained only for as long as is necessary."

Friday, April 17, 2009

Evil Empire Expands.

One of the historic truths about empires is that when they stop growing they die. So it is with Brabners as it takes over an other more reputable company. Strange that this company works in the Registered Social Landlord sector, but back at Brabners Jane Lake seems to have disappeared from the "Meet the Team" section.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The return of Cockney John
It appears that Cockney John, Speke Dereks replacement, is back on my case? Must still be keeping in contact with the Cracke especially Scots Dave as he is the only one who knew I was signing on
Monday in Waterloo. He was looking very hard for someone when his train pulled in.
Is the short bloke with the goatee actually a Lewis? What is his connection with the council after all the PI's that he talked to, in Ye Cracke, did seem to be able to get the CCTV cameras pointed where they wanted? Was the short fat man with them the same short fat man who drove the Bentley in 1996 and blocked me in in Belvedere road and Tannery Court? The short man has looked very angry when he hasn't got his way or when he thinks someone may not hate me after all he has hung around with Terry Williams of Council security, Phil Doran and Lenny of threatening me fame and Carla and Julie of "We got him" fame.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Back Canning Street
So why did Howard Neill Fozard, alleged architect of 4 Gambier Terrace, Liverpool want to get me to go down Back Canning street in 2007? The same day that Dr Alex also wanted me to go down the same street? and what about Chris from Ye Cracke? I think I know and I think they committed a criminal offence.