
Showing posts with label Merseyside Police. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Merseyside Police. Show all posts

Monday, November 26, 2012

Old Broom sweeps criminality under the carpet.

Here is an email I sent to Lancashire Enterprise Partnership if which Steve Broomhead is a board member.

From PhilTheOne
"To the Board and Members of Lancashire Enterprise Partnership Ltd
Just to warn you about Mr Broomhead in his previous post at NWDA when his staff offered to "withholds evidence if it helps to prosecute" he was quite happy with this despite its quiet obvious illegal nature. I have both a copy of the offer made by NWDA staff and Mr Broomheads reaction to it, in my opinion he is a man of very low if non existent integrity. Who happily condones criminal acts the suit his purpose.
Mr Broomhead is likely to deny this of course, however I am not hiding behind anonymity, my address and name are below. If Mr Broomhead denies the allegations then I suggest he sues if he doesn't sue I suggest that you should accept these allegations are true."

The information that the NWDA were offering to withhold was a video under the Data Protection Act, the very video that shows the Blog regular Paul Johnson of MPA was not very accurate in his witness statement. What a surprise apparatchiks scratching each other back. While researching this post I came across some interesting mentions of Broomhead such as "Broomhead retires before Quango expires",
which claims Steve has retired not true here are some of his current posts.

Non executive chairman at Recycling Lives.
Chairman of Warrington Wolves RLF

Steven Broomhead to return as chief executive of Warrington Borough Council.
Professor Steven Broomhead joins National Football Museum’s Board of Trustee. 
Chief Director of Liverpool Hope University's Business School

One of the allegation made about Broomhead is that he has been known to send racist and homophobic message to staff members.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Crooks always return to the scene of the crime.

Someone found the blog today with the search string "Damien Walsh consultant Merseyside police", what could this mean?

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Group 4
The mooting of the idea that Private companies could take on some of the work of the Police has sent the Police excuse Bloging machine into overdrive.
There are several interesting aspects to this.
1. The police, or at least the bloggers, see everyone who have a problem with them as being hard core left wing, who are fighting a class war.
2. The police don't seem to think that anyone could actually be critical of them and not have imagined anything worse, where as to be honest everyone know the police could be a lot lot worse.
What most of the critics of the police want is a better Police force than we currently have, one that is properly held accountable for it's actions and where the same law applies to us all, no more special treatment, no more turning blind eyes, to the miss behaviour of other officers. Proper supervision by an independent 3rd part rather than cosy in house investigations by PSD.
This reaction shows how self absorbed the police are or how political the entire force is.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Must correct my self earlier it wasn't Inspector Harrison that I saw waiting outside the Mags sometime ago. Just after he had overheard the security guards saying something. It was the St Annes street inspector who was there last October when I went along to get my property back.
What did the Security guards say?

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Kopperas Hill
A lovely little story in today's Echo regarding the arrest off DS Greg Symon, 39, DC Christopher Sheron and DC Mark Scarratt, 43 together with 5 others for conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, regarding a pub brawl some of them where in at a Derby match in January 2012.

Merseyside police officers facing conspiracy charges after Merseyside derby day clash.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The show might go on.
Well the 10th Jan has come and gone with no news of the future schedule of DCI Mike Lawlor, no news of upcoming dates in either the Mags or Crown court. So despite enquiries of the press and other places nothing has been heard. Does this mean that all future performances have been cancelled or is it just that I was to lazy to leg it down to  the court myself on 10th Jan and it was to boring for anyone else to go either?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Extra Dates
Merseyside top light entertainer and DCI has add a new date to his current tour. Mike Lawlor has been rebooked for the 10th January 2012 at Liverpool Magistrates Court on Dale Street. Though details are unclear this is likely to be a 1 time only performance of his committal to the Crown court. There are no tickets, seats will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Doors open at 9.30 for a start as early as 9.45. For further details see the Echo.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

DCI appears in the cheap seats at Mags.
After several months on bail DCI Mike Lawlor has been charged and allegedly appeared before Liverpool Mags today, charged with 6 counts of "unauthorised accessing of personal data controlled by police". No info on who's data, why or the fate of 3 others on bail accused of aiding and abetting. Yet again no comments allowed on the Echo web site.
See Top Merseyside police detective to face court over allegations of files being snooped on

Sunday, November 06, 2011

All Walshed Up
Interesting conversation today with Persey Mig. Phoned up and asked to speak to Damien Walsh and was told "there is no officer of that name". So the big question is did he jump or was he pushed? He must have been getting near retirement age. I'll ask Persey for an explanation but I doubt I'll get one.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Other IPCC still lives.
The London based IPCC has set it's Northern Office in Manchester the complex task of investigating a copper trying to set some one up for breaching an order. How very very unusual.
We must hope that the tent that houses the Northern fig leaf doesn't spring a leak and destroy the documents.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Slow Progress
Over 2 months after the arrest of 5 people including DCI Mike Lawlor from Merseyside Police "intelligence" bureau. We are no closer to finding out what has been happening with what according to the Echo are some of Merseyside Police "most closely guarded secrets".
Is it a particularly difficult case or is it just taking time to look under all the stones to find a way out for Lawlor?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ho Ho Howe
Bernard "Hulk" "Ho Ho" Hogan Howe is looking to move his street theatre staging of "The Matrix" to the west end after a 12 year long run in Liverpool. "The Matrix" is a public participatory performance, in which unwitting members of the public are jumped on in the street and in their homes. Then various items of their personal belongings are photographed and later appear on EBay. In recent years Jon Murphy has taken over the running of the Merseyside production and some of the companies highest profile members such as Charlie Tennant and 5 others have left the production.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Scouse finishing school for coppers
Sean Price
Once someone finds out you've been in Persey Mig your finished. First former, Paul Stephenson, ACC of Merseyside Police 95-99 the commissioner for the Metropolis resigns followed shortly afterwards by the arrest of the Sean Price, chief constable of Cleveland, Merseyside Police 79 to 95. Like current Merseyside chief constable, Jon Murphy, Price hold a post graduate qualification from that other notorious den of thieves and spies Cambridge University. Damien Walsh has a CSE in woodwork.

During his time at Merseyside Police I wonder if he knew Damien Walsh? The set of crimes that Price has been accused of would fit well with what I think Damien Walsh has been up to for years. Perhaps some should check him out for "misconduct in a public office, fraud by abuse of position and corrupt practice", I believe he is guilty as hell.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

qui cum canibus concumbunt cum pulicibus surgent.
Though some times it's is difficult to know who the dogs are. Most of us would look down our noses at members of the gutter press but it looks like Paul Stephenson, the now former commissioner of police of the metropolis wasn't quite so careful. Strange that it comes just hours after Rebekha Brooks gets arrested. You have got to wonder what she said? 
In the late 90's he was assistant chief constable of Merseyside police, so in all probability a close mate of Damien Walsh

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Court staff Caught.
In legal terms privileged communications are those which the Police have no right to intercept such as this between a client and a solicitor. However the police at least in Merseyside have several methods of intercepting. One source of privileged information that the Police use is conversations held between prisoners and solicitors in the cells of Liverpool Magistrates Court that the security guards deliberately attempt to overhear. This information is fed straight to the Merseyside Police intelligence unit. This is in all likelihood supplemented by staff upstairs, who add details of communications between clients and the courts as well as providing information such as the time the individuals are due to appear.
Mind you the staff upstairs are not much better and will quite happily pass out information they get about people in the neighbourhood to their friends and of course they'll be quite happy to pass rumours back to the court, as well as bringing in recordings they have acquired etc.

Monday, July 04, 2011

Setting the PACE
I'd read these as saying that in a large number of cases a phone call requesting someone come in for an interview would be what PACE required.
If they are prepared to issue police bail to an individual they should be prepared to try this first. Then release them with a suitable explanation of what would constitute attempts to pervert the course of justice. If charges are to be brought then they can be sent in the post. It would be a lot cheaper. Then what they do now. Normally the police would rather bully but given the strict financial times.
It would seem that even when they want evidence. Going around to the persons house explaining the situation and asking if they can take certain items and have the person come to the station later would be the way to go about it. If the person refuses then they can be arrested then and there.


1.3 The right to privacy and respect for personal property are key principles of the 
Human Rights Act 1998.  Powers of entry, search and seizure should be fully and 
clearly justified before use because they may significantly interfere with the occupier’s 
privacy.  Officers should consider if the necessary objectives can be met by less 
intrusive means

1.2 The right to liberty is a key principle of the Human Rights Act 1998. The exercise of
the power of arrest represents an obvious and significant interference with that right.

1.3 The use of the power must be fully justified and officers exercising the power should
consider if the necessary objectives can be met by other, less intrusive means. Arrest
must never be used simply because it can be used. Absence of justification for
exercising the powers of arrest may lead to challenges should the case proceed to
court. When the power of arrest is exercised 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Undercover or Slacking.
One of the most ardent readers of this Blog has been with coming from within the IP range of an organisation that ceased existing in 1990. Though today I managed to drag out from the recesses of my mind the concept of a port scan and low and behold it's actually Persey Mig.

inetnum: -
is in fact merseyside.police.uk no need to go via the PNN and all that pesky government monitoring.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Damien Objects to Truth

Mr Xxxxxx,

I mentioned when I last spoke to you that you should refrain from making
insulting, spurious and malicious comments about me on e mails, in letters
and on your various 'web sites'.

I do not respond to people who accuse me of criminal acts, call me a crook
or as you published on your fake IPCC web site, 'the most corrupt officer
in Merseyside Police'.

You have to accept that your behaviour cannot continue and I would like you
to consider your future actions, otherwise I may have to take the matter

Please do not make contact with me again.

Damien Walsh,
Liverpool North Professional Standards,
Merseyside Police,
St Anne Street Police Station,
St Anne Street,
L3 3HJ.

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.

If you have received this email in error please notify the sender as soon
as possible.

This footnote confirms that all reasonable steps have been taken to
ensure that this email message has been swept for the presence of
computer viruses.

The views expressed in this communication may not necessarily be the
views of Merseyside Police.

All communications, including telephone calls and electronic messages to
and from Merseyside Police may be subject to monitoring and recording.

and my response.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011, 14:36

See you in court.

I have asked many time not to have anything to do with you, in the past you have had my phone calls redirected to you.

Remember you informed me in my flat "Get you window fixed and move out or I'll take you computer away", that was your threat, whilst on duty and doing you job. You jumped on a bandwagon, why I should pay the price of you joining in harassing me is beyond me. You are a thug, a scally and a coward with zero integrity. In you is manifest everything that has dragged Liverpool into the gutter.

You brought this on you self by your actions and inactions.