
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Return of the Lake

It seems that Jane lake has found a new position this time working for the Charity Commission. I wonder if she is used in the charity commission to pass on the lies of her colleagues, like she was at Brabner Chaffe and Street.
In her resume Here. Jane says:
"The decision I made to move into the public sector after nearly 20 years as a solicitor in private practice, the last 12 as a partner, was a difficult but one which I am very pleased to have made".
This was decision must have been made easier by the fact that you were made redundant from Brabner's, after you had done their dirty work. Perhaps it was a guilt driven move after you helped organisations like LHT harass their tenants, or perhaps you were helping 1990 Hicklin, either way you passed on a lot of lies, which BTW is libel, regardless of whether you knew or not. If you did know then you  committed perjury in 2006, but I bet you think you are very good at burying the truth but I wonder what Liz and Vicky have to say today? Perhaps they will forget to lie this time and the statements you handed in will not be true.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mia culpa

Obviously trying to go for the decent intelligent look on the right is Mia Tagg and getting remarkable close despite the vast gulf between her and a decent intelligent person.
Mia is one of Liverpool's growing collection of free non thinkers. That potter around using the cover of artists.
Someone was asked to do Mia a favour and fix her computer, which they did, for nothing and thought nothing of it, then one day some years latter Mia bumped into this person in a pub, and they struck up a friendly conversation. Standing nearby was one of the local art fascist women, who when Mia introduced the fixer to her, snarled "we know all about you", any after exchanging further pleasantries Mia and the fix went their separate ways.
A few days later close to where they had recently met the Fixer and Mia crossed paths on the street, the fixer said hello but Mia looked straight ahead and continued on here way with not so much as a glance and this continued for many ever after. It looks like now not only the art fascists but also Mia knew "all about" the fixer. Well of course she didn't she new sweet FA about the fixer she just knew what her fellow pseudo intellectuals knew. Which basically came to do "me mate said", she should get to know Mike Keating.