
Monday, November 26, 2012

Old Broom sweeps criminality under the carpet.

Here is an email I sent to Lancashire Enterprise Partnership if which Steve Broomhead is a board member.

From PhilTheOne
"To the Board and Members of Lancashire Enterprise Partnership Ltd
Just to warn you about Mr Broomhead in his previous post at NWDA when his staff offered to "withholds evidence if it helps to prosecute" he was quite happy with this despite its quiet obvious illegal nature. I have both a copy of the offer made by NWDA staff and Mr Broomheads reaction to it, in my opinion he is a man of very low if non existent integrity. Who happily condones criminal acts the suit his purpose.
Mr Broomhead is likely to deny this of course, however I am not hiding behind anonymity, my address and name are below. If Mr Broomhead denies the allegations then I suggest he sues if he doesn't sue I suggest that you should accept these allegations are true."

The information that the NWDA were offering to withhold was a video under the Data Protection Act, the very video that shows the Blog regular Paul Johnson of MPA was not very accurate in his witness statement. What a surprise apparatchiks scratching each other back. While researching this post I came across some interesting mentions of Broomhead such as "Broomhead retires before Quango expires",
which claims Steve has retired not true here are some of his current posts.

Non executive chairman at Recycling Lives.
Chairman of Warrington Wolves RLF

Steven Broomhead to return as chief executive of Warrington Borough Council.
Professor Steven Broomhead joins National Football Museum’s Board of Trustee. 
Chief Director of Liverpool Hope University's Business School

One of the allegation made about Broomhead is that he has been known to send racist and homophobic message to staff members.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Crooks always return to the scene of the crime.

Someone found the blog today with the search string "Damien Walsh consultant Merseyside police", what could this mean?

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Paul Johnson crook?

Paul Johnson
I sent the email bellow about Paul Johnson and guess what I still have not received a reply. I would have though that this was tantamount to an admission of guilt by Johnson.

Subject: Crime
To: paul.johnson@merseysidepoliceauthority.gov.uk; jane4merseypcc@gmail.com; paulakeaveney@yahoo.co.uk; geoffreygubb@yahoo.com;
Cc: Sheena.Ramsey@knowsley.gov.uk; letters@liverpoolecho.co.uk;
Date: Sunday, 4 November 2012, 17:27

Here is a challenge for Paul Johnson Chief executive of Merseyside Police Authority. Produce the statement you made to the police about me in 2006 or resign.

You know that I now have the video of the events which contradict you statement. When you withheld the Video that was requested under DPA you knew you where that what you where withholding was evidence that you statement was wrong. You sought to frustrate the court by your actions, which is a criminal offence, the statement that you gave you knew to be false before the hearing but you did not withdraw it. You have sought to pervert the course of justice and should resign.

People standing for the PCC will you fire him if he fails to provide the statement or the statement is flatly contradicted by the video.