
Showing posts with label Victoria Meredith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Victoria Meredith. Show all posts

Monday, August 09, 2010

Victoria Meredith - - [03/Aug/2010:13:08:20 +0100]

inetnum82.42.3.192 -

Knowsley MBC, Computer Centre, Archway Road, Huyton, Knowsley, Merseyside, L36 9YU.

Victoria Meredith
Knowsley Borough Council
Archway Road
Municipal Buildings
Merseyside L36 9UX

Monday, December 28, 2009

Revenge of the Viccies.
In 2005 I applied to Merseyside Police Authority for the video of Jon Murphy, now Chief Constable of Merseyside, preventing me attending the public AGM of MPA. I intended to use it to prove that a statement from Paul Johnson, the treasurer of the authority was perjurious, as a result I received a letter from Victoria Meredith which claimed that the video did not need to be released under the Data Protection Act. She also claimed that releasing it would not be in the public interest. I managed to get the CCTV of someone else however by then the case had gone through and it was no use. Eventually the Information Commissioner decided that MPA and Meredith was in breach of the DPA by withholding the video. So the question is she just incompetent or did she know that release was required and decided to withhold the video to obstruct the court.