
Monday, September 02, 2013

More Lawlor

According to Gary Stewart ‏@livechocourt he faces a total of 7 charges including the DPA charge more details later in the Echo hopefully. Though we still seem to be rather short on information about what is happening.

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Mike Lawlor the show is on.

A quick check of Liverpool Crown court for Monday 2/9/2013 reveals Court 31 will play host to Mike Lawlor, first business will be to sort out some other matters then possibly first thing in the afternoon the mysterious case of Inspector Mark Lawlor. The only information currently available because of reporting restrictions is that Lawlor is charged with a breach of the Data Protection Act, which is a non arrestable offence that on its own can only be heard in a magistrates court, yet he was arrested and he is at the crown court. Hope fully more details will be released.
He was arrested along with several other people, one was released without charge, whilst two people in their 30s, one from St Helen's where bailed, but it appears he is in court on his own.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Lawrence Forrest

It seems that Damian Walshes replacement as the most dishonest and corrupt cop is T/DCI Lawrence Forrest, should you complaint be handed to him, I'd complain in fact I'd make sure that when you complain you specify that this little creep is specified as not fit to handle the complaint. The response I have here, does not mention the complaint at all but instead makes references to people not in the complaint and allegations not made and then concluded they are "fanciful" given the chance to withdraw this as a mistake Forrest will not even entertain the idea.
So once again Merseyside Police show how dedicated it is to stopping officers abusing their positions or just generally idiotic by placing in charge of PSD a bullying thug who will go to any length to protect his colleagues, from any just criticism. Looks like Jon Murphy is continuing in the direction he usually does brushing corruption and dishonesty under the rug. Lets see how Jane Kennedy reacts.
I have a feeling the Lawrence Forrest will be appearing in this blog again soon.
Though if this is the same Forrest while he is completely happy with with lying, dishonest which affect peoples lives not even a minor intrusion into his life is acceptable.

Monday, May 27, 2013

A Kick in the Ball.

There is nothing I enjoy more than kicking a Ball about, for a long time preferably against a wall, and perhaps with a microphone close by, especially if that Ball is happily blowing it's own trumpet.

Friday, May 03, 2013

Mike Lawlor again.

The trial has been delayed yet again, this time because one of a Barristers diary clash, they are stuck in Preston at the Dale Creegan trial, according to the Echo, the trial is now scheduled for the 2nd September 2013.
Some details of the charge were revealed as "knowingly or recklessly obtaining personal data" presumable in contravention of section 55 of the Data Protection act. However "There are no custodial sentences in respect of DPA offences and no powers of arrest; all offences are punishable only by a fine" but Lawlor and several other people were arrested.
His address cannot be reported, and I don't know it, but there may be more reporting restrictions in place.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Magic Mike

Mike Lawlors appearance has been delayed to Thursday 2/5/2013 for more info see Gary Stewart the Echo's Court reporter. You should be able to check where at CourtServe from Wednesday evening.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Auditory pareidolia

Auditory pareidolia this should make interesting reading for those that listen to stories, especial fat security guards Psychology and Perception.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013

Return of the Lawlor

New dates have been announced for Mike Lawlor's appearance at Liverpool Crown Court thought to quote the Echo's correspondent, "April 29th though it's anyone's guess if it will slip again".

Thursday, February 21, 2013


On the subject of waiting still haven't heard from Damien Walsh's solicitors just in case it is clear Damien Walsh, whilst employed as a police inspector at Merseyside Police, did act in a way that was criminal by making threats to me.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Still no new tour dates

There has been no news if the rescheduled Mike Lawlor show at Liverpool crown court Crown Court Lists originally scheduled for the 15th October 2012! We are now approaching 3 months late and still the tour's promoters have not given a new date, fans who had booked into the original show are now getting frustrated at the lack of news.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Old Broom sweeps criminality under the carpet.

Here is an email I sent to Lancashire Enterprise Partnership if which Steve Broomhead is a board member.

From PhilTheOne
"To the Board and Members of Lancashire Enterprise Partnership Ltd
Just to warn you about Mr Broomhead in his previous post at NWDA when his staff offered to "withholds evidence if it helps to prosecute" he was quite happy with this despite its quiet obvious illegal nature. I have both a copy of the offer made by NWDA staff and Mr Broomheads reaction to it, in my opinion he is a man of very low if non existent integrity. Who happily condones criminal acts the suit his purpose.
Mr Broomhead is likely to deny this of course, however I am not hiding behind anonymity, my address and name are below. If Mr Broomhead denies the allegations then I suggest he sues if he doesn't sue I suggest that you should accept these allegations are true."

The information that the NWDA were offering to withhold was a video under the Data Protection Act, the very video that shows the Blog regular Paul Johnson of MPA was not very accurate in his witness statement. What a surprise apparatchiks scratching each other back. While researching this post I came across some interesting mentions of Broomhead such as "Broomhead retires before Quango expires",
which claims Steve has retired not true here are some of his current posts.

Non executive chairman at Recycling Lives.
Chairman of Warrington Wolves RLF

Steven Broomhead to return as chief executive of Warrington Borough Council.
Professor Steven Broomhead joins National Football Museum’s Board of Trustee. 
Chief Director of Liverpool Hope University's Business School

One of the allegation made about Broomhead is that he has been known to send racist and homophobic message to staff members.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Crooks always return to the scene of the crime.

Someone found the blog today with the search string "Damien Walsh consultant Merseyside police", what could this mean?

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Paul Johnson crook?

Paul Johnson
I sent the email bellow about Paul Johnson and guess what I still have not received a reply. I would have though that this was tantamount to an admission of guilt by Johnson.

Subject: Crime
To: paul.johnson@merseysidepoliceauthority.gov.uk; jane4merseypcc@gmail.com; paulakeaveney@yahoo.co.uk; geoffreygubb@yahoo.com;
Cc: Sheena.Ramsey@knowsley.gov.uk; letters@liverpoolecho.co.uk;
Date: Sunday, 4 November 2012, 17:27

Here is a challenge for Paul Johnson Chief executive of Merseyside Police Authority. Produce the statement you made to the police about me in 2006 or resign.

You know that I now have the video of the events which contradict you statement. When you withheld the Video that was requested under DPA you knew you where that what you where withholding was evidence that you statement was wrong. You sought to frustrate the court by your actions, which is a criminal offence, the statement that you gave you knew to be false before the hearing but you did not withdraw it. You have sought to pervert the course of justice and should resign.

People standing for the PCC will you fire him if he fails to provide the statement or the statement is flatly contradicted by the video.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Something Brian Ashton Doesn't know.

It would take far more time than I have here, to explain what Brain Ashton doesn't know, it would take a slightly smaller amount of time to explain what Brain doesn't know, that the your average moron knows.
Now at the time of my last encounter Brian was heard too mouth off to the police. Now he denies saying it, but not very convincingly because he also claims they didn't write it down.
What he doesn't know is that later that same week, one of those very same officers spoke to me on Parker street and asked about Brian's claims that I "wanted to change everything" and "no one knows where he came from", his colleague also added some info as well, which I will not go in to, save to say I, later that day sent proof of who I am to Murkyside Police, together with the names of 3 serving Police, I was at school with.
It seems that Brian is willing to make up more claims about what the cops said, seems to not have realised that everything can be heard from inside a car, they aren't sound proof.
Can whoever normally keeps Brian up to date with this blog pass on the info.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Geoff Goes Underground
It seems once Geoff Howe found out his address was on public display down at the Library he got all nervous. What sort of a public servant is Geoff? or is he in fact an old style paternalistic Tory dressed up as a Lib Dem? He doesn't seem to be very keen to have any connection with the public so he must just know what is good for them. Anyway in aid of democracy here it is or you can look here.
A full spectrum of fascism
Back in the day when I was student the derogatory description of the Trots in the student Union was red fascists to differentiate them from the fascists wearing black. Though what with the way Liverpool City Council is run and the emergence of the Röhm like Geoff Howe in Sefton, it looks like the Gold have arrived.

Geoff Howe

Geoff Howe of Sefton Council and Merseyside Police Authority thinks it threatening if anyone knows his address, why then does he have it published on the list of councillors names and addresses in Maghull Library could it be he is to thick to remember this or is it that he is duplicitous, two faced, manipulative, dishonest and conniving.
It's strange that he is a Liberal Democrat as he doesn't seem very Liberal at all. Rather then being on MPA to control the police he's on there to help them do the job that they want to do rather than make sure they do the job the law gives them or the population want them to do, so not much of a democrat either.

Paul Johnson with extra cheese

The picture on the right is Paul Johnson chief executive of Merseyside Police Authority, among Johnsons unofficial jobs is chief with holder of evidence. When requested to withhold DPA documents such as videos required in a civil case, Johnson will oblige or perhaps it is because that video would show that his own statement on the matter covered was grossly in accurate.
Just looking at that picture tells you 2 things firstly that Johnson is hardly self aware anyone who was would realise that the picture makes him look a grade a dick and B that MPA got one of Merseyside Polices photographers, who is more use to photographing corpses to take the picture.