Now rebranded as the Very Office for Police Conduct. The personal opinions of the author throughout.
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Gill's snide land.
However the biggest single group are the self-serving it is all about them, they are indoctrinated to believe they are the cream of the cream who deserve all the success they can get no matter what they have to do to get it. This goes a long way to explain the BBC's Andy Gill, who till a few minutes ago I hadn't realised was an Oxfordman but it makes sense.
I've never knowingly communicated with Andy but he was spread some now know bollocks about me by a snapper at the Liverpool Echo and perhaps a local high-profile solicitor. The solicitor has had to retract allegations he made about made claiming it was mistaken identity, though he never explained where the info came from.
The scant information presented to him would not be enough for a person of integrity to come to any conclusion, let alone act on it, but that didn't stop Andy. It is the kind of snap judgment that a qualification from Oxbridge entitles you to make and one which you fellow Oxbridgers and Oxbridge sycophants will make sure you suffer no ill effects from making.
Andy used to give me a hard stair every time we crossed paths after the encounter outside Liverpool Crown court. This of course makes me think that together with my Oxbridgephobia he was given some other tips on how to annoy me.
Sunday, September 18, 2022
MPs Staff
I've dealt with the offices of several MPs and their staff. They don't inspire confidence. The four offices varied from plain abusive through snide to just idiotic. They seem to have got the job based on a shared ideology, not their ability to interact with the public.
One of them whose personal behaviour was snide/borderline abusive was Chris Lloyd, who worked for Louise Ellman. In a court case, I was involved in had statements from Lloyd, the mild-mannered solicitor developed a loathing for Lloyd based purely on his victim statement. In the end, the CPS seems to have developed a similar opinion of Lloyd and the other staff members, leading to their removal from the case as victims.
The MP went out of their way to ensure that their statements never ended up in court, and so they could not be cross-examined in public.
Ellman was the chairperson of the Transport Select Committee. When Lloyd left Ellman's office, he secured a nice gig working for Network Rail. I wonder what Network Rail thought it was getting from someone with a Politics with Law degree in a PR position. Though perhaps the qualification wasn't the important thing.
It seems that Lloyd is back on the campaign trail. See "Greenwich councillor Chris Lloyd misses out in the race to be Westminster candidate".
Thursday, August 25, 2022
Court news.
It seems that Ged Fitzgerald is about to get his day in court, well, actually several weeks.
He will be joined in the dock by Dr David McElhinney, Philip Halsall, Gerard Fitzgerald, and Geoff Driver. This is in connection with Lancashire County Council but the 1st 3 all have connections with Liverpool City Council as well.
The enquire is said to centre around One Connect joint venture between BT. A similar scheme, Liverpool Direct was running in Liverpool up to 2014.
Press release from Lancashire police.
The court thing happened and complete silence.
I wrote to the approriate court and asked for a copy of the reporting retrictions and again complete silence. I can only conclude that their are none otherwise the they would have replied say it is not possible.
Tuesday, August 09, 2022
Brabners, the SRA & Liz and Vicky.
The allegations made by "Liz & Vicky" are vehemently denied by the accused, who was happy to go to court to defend their integrity, and who ensured everyone was aware of this. Brabner's staff backed out but still instituted; the allegations were true.
Several other strange allegations by Brabners staff, were withdrawn when it came to light, though with only the thinnest of covering the story.
When the complaint was taken to the SRA, it was ignored by Sally Atherton, who does not see police statements as evidence, seems ignorant of the basic principles of law, and is incapable of basic reasoning.
Like most UK professions, they have no external supervision with any teeth. They are there for show. They do not protect the public from the predatory actions of abusive organisations, but act only when the behaviour of a set of solicitors threatens the trust people have in solicitors and their money-making potential. If you have evidence of underhand behaviour by a solicitor that needs the SRAs help , then they will not help.
All the people involved in this, from Liz & Vicky, Mark Manley, Sharon McCarthy, Sally Atherton and others, have demonstrated snide arrogance, regardless of whether they are low-ranking trainee solicitors or high-ranking part-time judges.
Monday, June 13, 2022
Not so much Nutall as Fuck All.
Here is an email from Alan Nutall, the staff officer of Serena Kennedy, the current chief constable of Merseyside. It is now over six months old. I doubt anyone is surprised that there is no response.
I did call Nuttall about this and was asked for an incident ID by a call handler. I explained I didn't have one, so the operator accused me of being obstructive by not giving it to her. She then progressively became more aggressive until I called her a bully, at which point, she hung up. How someone so dense gets a job in a vital service is almost a crime in and of itself.
Nor is there a response from Kim Johnson MP, the MP for the Johnson family children. Happy to complain about the slightest possible stupidity by the met but unhappy to get involved in sorting out 25+ years for one of her unrelated constituents. Eagerly aided and abetted by fellow Momentum/Corbynite, Cate Murphy, I'm not sure what the criteria are for MPs picking their assistants but having less integrity than senior Merseyside Police officers seems to be one. This observation is from interactions with more than 1 MP's office.
As requested as I have requested, two things on your behalf:
1) finalisation communication from 2006 complaint re your home address
2) update on IOPC ref 2021/157040
I will not be undertaking any other review.
Kind regards
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
How did Liverpool get into this state.
Liverpool City Council is currently partially controlled by central government-appointed commissioners. However, some known crooks still hold senior positions, while Merseyside Police should be under external investigation for endemic corruption.
In London, Boris Johnson is under intense scrutiny by the press, as are the Metropolitan Police for not investigating, despite the wealth of evidence. In Liverpool, there is near silence from the local newspaper, regional media and the national press.
The press prides itself on holding the powerful to account. It thinks it deserves special privileges to allow it to do this, but now it often fails to have any impact. At a local level, the failing is even more apparent and no more so than in the Liverpool Echo, part of Reach Plc, formerly Trinity Mirror. Trinity Mirror resulted from the merger of the Mirror Group, former proprietor Robert Maxwell and Trinity International Holdings, a product of rearranging the Liverpool Echo's substantial holdings. This merger wasn't good news for Liverpool. What had once been a successful local company became a minor part.
The merger had successfully placed the head office in Chester for several years at the first opportunity it moved to London.
In 1995 Alastair Machray joined the group as editor of the Daily Post, which was Liverpool's morning paper. In 2005, he became the editor of the Echo. Previous Liverpool Echo editors had had strong associations with the city, but Machray is a newcomer. He has no knowledge of the city beyond what he would have picked up from generic sources, both good and bad.
The local newspaper market has gone into a steep decline. The falling sales are attributed to the rise of new media. Machray, whether of his own volition or under instruction from management, started making the paper relevant. He did this by firing a large portion of the local-born staff, whose views of the city were based on personal experience and leaving those remaining to peddle the myth of Liverpool.
With Machray as editor, the Echo ran ghost stories and hagiographies for dead gangsters while cultivating scouse exceptionalism. All for its end of making money. Not content with that, Machray has been keen to cosy up to any group he sees as influential, all at the expense of journalistic standards.
The Mirror group was the group of Bouncing Bob Maxwell, Telephone hacking and faked pictures. Machray took this Mirror group brand and happily cut and pasted its ethics into the Liverpool Echo.
Out of all this, the city gets a corrupt council and police force while he gets an OBE. Even Thatcher and Boris did more for Liverpool than Machray ever did.
Friday, January 07, 2022
Finally, after six months of waiting, the IOPC has delivered all its data about me. The most notable thing is the amount of redacted stuff.
Some of the redactions are in emails that I sent!!
I've already sent off a copy of emails with extracted items to various lawyers regarding the claims made, as they don't tally with events or even what was said when the lawyers were involved. I'm less than 20% of the way through.
If there was any doubt about the IPCC & IOPC's lack of interest in tackling police corruption, they are no longer suspicions.
Sunday, January 02, 2022
There are many things that journalists do that I find unacceptable. It seems they also find them unacceptable, but only when done to them.
Can you imagine the fuss a journalist would make if you went to their homes and knocked on their door to ask them questions early in the morning or perhaps just set up camp outside?
Can you imagine the fuss a journalist would make if you called them on their home phone number, which they hadn't given you?
Can you imagine what would happen if you phoned up a newspaper and used the services of their PABX to call random numbers to get some information about the paper by talking to staff who aren't customer-facing?
I have never been doorstepped and haven't doorstepped anyone. Journos are happy to admit they doorstep people and will post videos. Their excuse is the public interest, which seems to be a valid excuse anyone could use.
I never actually called a journalist at home, but I have been called up by one from the Liverpool Echo. Who abused me by trotting out a whole collection of allegations angrily and aggressively. When the journo realised that they'd been fed lies, they apologised and explained who had fed them the nonsense. They then wrote a story of someone suffering harassment. Oh, wait, no they didn't. Instead, they became more and more uncertain and then hung up without explaining anything. The paper now denies the phone call ever happened. They claim to have searched their records for the call, but they never asked for the number I'd been on at the time. I'd changed my number several times since then.
When I worked for various companies in a technical capacity, we would often work late. Between 6:30 and 7, also at weekends, we'd quite regularly get phone calls from industry journos, who knew full well that all the marketing and PR staff had gone home. They'd spend a fair bit of time trying to get unguarded comments from staff to sell. However, the Echo regards doing this kind of research on it as beyond the pale.
Never forget, journos are in it for money, as are their employers. They think they provide a valuable service, talk truth to power, and are the fourth estate. Judging by the state of the world, they aren't very good at it. Perhaps we should ask for our money back. They haven't done much recently to earn the privileges that they have endowed themselves with.
The Liverpool Echo is a stable-mate of The Mirror, whose former editor, Piers Moron, was not just fired like Boris Johnson, for lying but faking photos. He and the Mirror, and quite likely some of its Trinity Mirror stable mates, engaged in and benefited from phone hacking. It is difficult to believe that information obtained by the Mirror that didn't warrant a national news story but would sell a few local rags didn't make its way to local editors.
Then there is the little matter of contempt of court. Contempt is a serious matter, potentially landing papers and editors with a fine. I tried to get the numbers for contempt cases faced by editors, but there is no record. When I posted the details of an Echo contempt case, journalists were happily dismissing contempt as being part of the job. Can you imagine the fuss the Echo and co would make if someone else considered criminal behaviour as just part of the job?
Alastair Machray. You are a habitual journalist who accepts contempt as an occupational hazard and presumable accepts imprisonment in the same casual manner.
Sunday, December 26, 2021
A list arseholes.
What do Alastair MacRae, Alison Gow, Andy Gill and an anonymous Echo arsehole have in common that makes them unsuitable to be journalists?
Friday, October 08, 2021
Liverpool Commissioners
The Liverpool Commissioners seem to have gone native and have adopted the standard LCC approach of not even bothering to acknowledge emails, never mind producing substantive replies. Some clues as to their problems can be found in their email address, it is within the council's space and is just another email address.
Sunday, August 15, 2021
IOPC Fig leaf.
My local MP was recently very critical of the Metropolitan Police because of the way they treated her son. This treatment seems to involve asking him for ID. When it comes to holding Merseyside Police and the IOPC to account for their treatment of other people over many years, she or at least her staff, seem far less interested in getting involved.
MPs of all persuasions want to court the Law and Order lobby or at least not get the Daily Mail on their case, and as such, they simply ignore most complaints. The same is true of Police & Crime Commissioners, when it comes to taking on the bullies, liars and thugs that inhabit police forces MPs will only get involved if the complainant already has a lot of public backing.
This MP and her staff are "of the left" loudly labelled SJW by the right. In reality like most MPs, they are preoccupied with their own interests; the top one is staying elected.
Some of her supporters like to claim we live in a police state when their protests are shut down. One, a former deputy PCC, Ann O'Byrne, tried to reestablish her credibility by getting herself removed for obstruction and then complaining about being manhandled. In reality, what she got was proportionate and the kind of things she had happily supported when a PCC. O'Bryne isn't the brightest or the most credible of councillors, but she is typical.
We don't live in a police state that would require the police to be acting on the arbitrary instructions of government ministers. What we are seeing is the police as a gang running a protection racket. The elected won't dig too deep into the Polices's internal wall of silence and coverups, and the Police & its militant wing, the Police Federation, will not stir up the Law & Order Lobby.
The Law & Order Lobby, a phrase Jane Kennedy doesn't understand, is mostly right-wing Tory voting, so it is harder to stir it up against a Tory government, which is why they get away with cutting police numbers. The Tories, of course, are fans of the short sharp shock and clip around the ear; in short, they quite like police brutality.
The far left of the Labour party is more interested in their ideology and will only talk about the police when it fits those grand overarching plans, plans, no space for sensible considered practical reform here.
The centre-left, the area I come from, is too worried by the reaction of the law and order lobby and its Daily Mail publicists to do anything; they definitely wouldn't put it in a manifesto.
Saturday, August 07, 2021
Imagine being a court usher and not knowing the rules about photography in the courts. I've done a bit of photography in my time and have a good idea about them. Now in one instance a former court clerk I'd asked to explain the rules to me got them all wrong it is difficult to imagine something so dangerous. It could have been ignorance the only other alternative would be that he was trying to get me in trouble with the court and that would be apauling.
Monday, August 02, 2021
Now you see them, now you don't.
It seems the Independent Office for Police Conduct, IOPC, is just the IPCC in disguise, right down to the corrupt staff. Take Micheal Williams doesn't seem to be able to read properly, when told that contact with exIPCC members is not allowed just stops signing emails.
No word from the big man Michael Lockwood on the actual complaint that is just ignored after trying to pass the entire thing of as an SRA.
IOPC helping improve police cover ups since 2017.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Winsford Academy, watch out watchout there is a Walsh about.
Damien Walsh, the desperately flawed ex-police officer, has gained a job as the Behaviour Manager at Winsford Academy. Damien will be taking his brand of egotistically bulling into a new sphere.
If you have a complaint about a teacher, then do not take it to Damien or let him have anything to do with investigating it. As an inspector at Merseyside Police, he spent considerable time intimidating and threatening people who made complaints.
Damien is a craven coward who will always back authority and the officers no matter how wrong they are. The mistakes they have made are irrelevant because they are the law. Often he would not even ask the nature or details of the complaint but would begin the meeting or call with threats. He has no integrity at all.
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Ged Fitzgerald
In the absence of Fitzinacell the level of dodgy, possibly criminal staff at the top of LCC is being patched over by the temporary elevation of Chris Walsh and Jeanette McLaughlin, City Solicitor & Monitoring Officer. The first provides false statements to the police while the second engages in full investigations which produce no results, either to the complainant via either the complaints process or the Data Protection Act.
Fitzgerald had late in 2016 been caught out lying to the Local Government Ombudsman and the Information Commissioner, but so far that matter does not have a court date. He is less than popular with the ICO after promising statements from 3rd parties, supporting his allegations regarding a complainant, which they noted he "failed to produce".
Fitzgerald & McLaughlin are on the left. |
Thursday, September 08, 2016
Monday, August 15, 2016
Ged Stamper
Threat to who? Harm to who? Risk to who? he is obviously quite proud of it as he has it on his email. The S&A presumably stands for stall & abandon, though it could be anything. From all the info I can gather someone getting near to retiring, and balder than me.
Saturday, February 13, 2016
The dark arts of transcribing police interviews.
2. Everything said by the interviewer will be written in the correct mix of upper and lower case.
3. Any grammatical error made by the person being interviews will be included.
4. Any grammatical error made by the interviewer will be omitted
5. Any requests made by the subject for definitions of words used will be included.
6. Any request for definitions made by the interviewing officer will be omitted, unless slang. e.g. "obsequious"
7. Any words mispronounce by the subject will be spelt phonetically.
8. Any words mispronounced by the interviewer will be correctly spelt. e.g. "anti path e" to antipathy.
9. All instance of the interviewee pointing out that the question being asked is loaded will be omitted, only the refusal to answer will be noted.
10. Any time that both the interviewer and interviewee are both talking will be described as the interviewee talking over the interviewer.
11. Any attempts by the interviewee to provide a full answer will be described as rambling.
12. Any attempt by the interviewee to assert themselves will be described as hostility, aggression or ranting.
13. Any attempt by the interviewer to assert themselves will be described as "calming the situation down".
Monday, December 28, 2015
Lies and more lies. and get a bounce.
Gunatilleke Nicholas
The really interesting bit is the spelling, makes it clear that the PA to the Chief Constable told more lies than I thought in my conversation with her.In what world is lying not offensive and abusive?