
Friday, October 08, 2021

Liverpool Commissioners

The Liverpool Commissioners seem to have gone native and have adopted the standard LCC approach of not even bothering to acknowledge emails, never mind producing substantive replies. Some clues as to their problems can be found in their email address Commissioners@liverpool.gov.uk, it is within the council's space and is just another email address.

There are no details on how to encrypt messages to protect them from prying eyes, so it is a fairly good bet that long before the addresses get a chance to read the emails, they have already been vetted by LCC staff. The staff have form for blocking email addresses when it suits them without notifying anyone, and only hard work exposes these blocks. Even when caught red-handed, they somehow cannot ID who instigated them.
While the Echo and its former editor Alistair McCray are knee-deep in some of the council's staff's crooked behaviour, even they found it worth publishing an article detailing the corruption. See Liverpool Council accused of snooping after "intercepting" emails between resident and councillorThe question is why did the normal servile Echo and its rather useless Thorpe publish this story; was it a shot across the bow?
There is no telling how many other people are on the council's hit list.
The lead commissioner is no stranger to not answering emails and helping to cover up corruption. The recent murder by a serving Met Police officer, using his warrant card as a tool brings into question the ability and integrity of all senior police officers connected with ensuring police standards.

FYI from https://liverpool.gov.uk/council/commissioners/about-the-commissioners/

Lead Commissioner – Mike Cunningham QPM
Mike has been involved in policing for more than 30 years, most recently as Chief Executive of the College of Policing from 2018 – 2020, the standards-setting body for policing in England and Wales. Formerly one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Constabulary, inspecting forces in the north of England and Northern Ireland, and the national lead inspector for the development and implementation of inspections into police efficiency, legitimacy and leadership, and Chief Constable of Staffordshire Police.
Local Government Improvement Commissioner - Joanna Killian
Joanna has more than 30 years of experience in the public sector delivering transformational change and service improvement. Since March 2018, she has been the Chief Executive of Surrey County Council. Before this, Joanna worked at KPMG and was also Chief Executive of Essex County Council for 9 years.
Highways Commissioner - Neil Gibson
Neil is the former Executive Director of Transport Economy and Environment for Buckinghamshire County Council, where he also acted for a time as Interim Chief Executive. Neil is also a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation and former President of the Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport.
Regeneration Commissioner - Deborah McLaughlin
Deborah has extensive experience working in Regeneration and Housing for over 30 years across public and private sectors, including as Director of Housing at Manchester City Council, regional director for the North West at Homes England and Director of Capita’s real estate business. Deborah has also previously worked at the Audit Commission as a Best Value Inspector and auditor.
Chief and Deputy Chief of Staff
The commissioner team will be accompanied by a Chief of Staff, Chrissie Farrugia and a Deputy Chief of Staff, Ellie Smyllie. Both are civil servants appointed by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.

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