Det Supt Tim Keelan, Jane Kennedy & PC Haley Sherwen |
I don't know anything about Keelan but the two on the right should not be allowed anything to do with mental health see here
on F
acebook Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner.
In the case of Sherwin, she received an email from someone trying to locate another officer, despite this being clearly a case of mistaken ID and there being nothing at all threatening in the email, simply a request for information and clarification, Sherwen flipped and made allegations of harassment include comments about the author being delusional and there being no telling what they could do. Not the reaction of someone who is supposed to be working in the mental health area.
When the same individual contacted their then MP to try and get answers to similar questions, part of which was why Merseyside police believed they were severely mentally ill. They were abused by a member of her staff and complained to Kennedy. The result was not an investigation and a claim that without recordings of the phone call, it was impossible to ascertain the truth to tell, but a simple statement that her staff didn't do it and "were beyond suspicion".
This wasn't the first accusation made by a Merseyside Police officer to this individual, several others from then DCC Jon Murphy, PC Beatie and a Sergeant at Maghull had all been similarly abusive.
The police's belief that this individual had been previously sectioned, caused them not only to abuse them but to write to their doctor asking for details of the illness and for the FME to refuse to accept the name of the group GP practice given as their doctor, writing instead that the DP had refused to name their doctor.
These are not people who can live up to their commitments.