
Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Should be gassed

Phil Doran of Canning Street in Liverpool drives around in a van design to given people migraines. He claims his main profession is servicing the air con in vehicles but rumour has it that items tend to go missing from people vehicles when Phil Services them. He also uses the van for his own personal harassing of people. He does have a bit of a reputation as a cross between a rat and a thug.

Terry Williams one of the employees of a
subcontractor embezzling from Liverpool
City Council by using it's facilities for his own
When he is not out "servicing" air cons he can be found in Ye Cracke public house together with his fellow shits Lenny, Julie and Terry Williams, working out how to get rid of the people the do not like from the pub.

The Rat Mobile parked in Bells Close,
Lydiate in summer 2008 as he spends 2 weekends
moving his harassment from city centre Liverpool.

Friday, November 26, 2010

HP Sauce
My Gaydar detected a connections from at 15:09:53, 26 Nov which it turns out is a DSL at HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT DR.PARLIAMENT.UK found from Google using Chrome as a browser with search string "Rob Carney liverpool facebook".

Louise Ellmans office anyone?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mike Keating
Well it appears that Liverpool No Hope University have disposed of one of their least talented members of staff. His emails bounce and his staff page is blank. Though of course being Hope they only partially did it.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Brain "Fascist" Ashton

Brian Ashton – Former Fords radical worker reads from 'One Hundredth of a Second – A Day in the Life of a Car Worker' .

From http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/regions/liverpool/2008/03/393731.html

The Question what is his relationship with Alan Dean and the Labour party. The only thing that can be said about Brian is that he is a nasty, manipulative and snide little man or has all the hallmarks and attitude of Miltant, however for some reason he still seems to be in with the Labour party. Is that because they haven't realised what he's like or because Militant is still buried deeply in Liverpool Labour?

Monday, August 09, 2010

Victoria Meredith - - [03/Aug/2010:13:08:20 +0100]

inetnum82.42.3.192 -

Knowsley MBC, Computer Centre, Archway Road, Huyton, Knowsley, Merseyside, L36 9YU.

Victoria Meredith
Knowsley Borough Council
Archway Road
Municipal Buildings
Merseyside L36 9UX

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

One's Dead, one's Mad and the other doesn't remember
 The dead one is Rose Bailey she seems to have had a heart attack. The heart attack is quite appropriate as her activities helped at least one woman to her grave via a similar means. A lot of people were surprised it was a heart attack as we didn't know she actually possessed a heart.

The mad one is Geoff Howe, someone so thick that he doesn't realise that from an STD code you can work out the town that someone lives in, especially if that town happens to be one the caller has lived in. His only claim to fame is that he is a free mason. His return to Merseyside Police Authority can mean one of two things, either the coming of the apocalypse and Howe is smoothing the way for the four horsemen or his seat is up for election in 2011 so he wants to get in with the Law and order Fascists of Maghull.
Mind you it is a question of who removed his address from Maghull Library, was it Howe or Merseyside Police. Anyway, just to make up for that, here are his details as published on Sefton Council's website.

Home Address: 
91 Northway
L31 7BG
Phone:  0151 531 7084
Bus. Email:  geoff.howe@sefton.gov.uk

That leaves only Ron Gould, who claims he cannot remember why he was so abusive on the telephone or what he meant by "we have been told all about you". Is his sudden forgetfulness due to old age and senility or did he just find out that what he had been told was rubbish and that various people may be somewhat offended by his lack of integrity and use of the scally excuse "me mates said", especially as according to Liverpool Council's web site he is "executive member for health, care and safeguarding". When the only persons whose health or care he is safeguarding is his own. Might he also find, that as a pharmacist his abuse of people he believes to be mentally ill, is professionally unacceptable and he might find himself unable to practice, just like the person he abused, though in his case it would be the truth that prevented him.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

John Smyth
I was supposed to have an interesting meeting with John Smyth of Merseyside Police PSD but when I got there all he wanted to do was not answer questions. I wanted to know why a copper had said that I hated everyone who drinks in the pub I drink. I first wanted the results of an earlier complaint which even after 2 years I had not seen the results of. He told me the complaint was resolved 2 years ago but would say no more. Strange that it was my complaint and I do not get to know the result. Smyth got very aggressive so I left. Now they will not send me a letter detailing what Smyth was going to say.
In pursuit of an answer I wrote to the chief constable and then phoned up but found that Damian A Walsh had had all my calls directed through to him, according to him without the chief constables knowledge.
Wanted innocent or guilty.

I need a photograph of Peter Cosgrove of Liverpool City Council or anyone who used to drink in the Scotch Piper in Lydiate with him.

A hansom reward of not having a credit on this site will be theirs.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010